
  • 网络Administrative Entrustment
  1. 第一部分为行政委托的含义界定。

    The first part is concept definition of the administrative entrustment .

  2. 浅谈电子实习论行政委托

    A Brief Discussion on Electronics Practice On Administrative Entrustment

  3. 我国行政委托制度在立法和实践中都存在一些问题。

    There are exist some problems in its legislation and practice .

  4. 对行政委托概念的掌握,有利于我们准确、深刻地理解行政委托制度。

    The master of administrative entrust concept is beneficial for us accurate understanding of the administrative entrust system .

  5. 行政委托是政府应对庞杂的行政任务、提高行政效率、提升国际竞争力的有效手段。

    Administrative entrustment is an effective measure to promote administrative efficiency and competitive powers to reply the expanding government tasks .

  6. 公立高校成为独立法人之后,政府与高校之间可能建构一种外部行政委托代理关系;

    Yet after public universities become independent juristic person , that relation might be replaced by an external administrative trust .

  7. 笔者首先简要介绍了行政委托制度较为发达的荷兰、西班牙、法国及我国台湾地区的行政委托制度。

    In the first place , the author briefly introduces the administration entrustment system of more developed Holland , Spanish , French and our country Taiwan area .

  8. 由于社团权力包含更大的内涵,因此,行政委托与行政授权不能是社团自治权力的来源,后者只能来自于社团成员的让渡。

    The power of associations has more meaning , so the administrative trust and administrative authority are not the source of the autonomy of sports associations , It can only come from the transfer of members of association .

  9. 但由于政府责任下的社会保险权保障了基本医疗保险被保险人的权利,而公立社会保险机构与医疗服务机构的行政委托合同则规定了医疗服务机构的义务。

    However , due to the social insurance rights which under the governmental responsibility protect the right of basic medical insurance insurant , and public agencies develop the basic medical services agreement which provides the obligations of the medical sector .

  10. 考察律师协会的生成发展历史,可以清楚地看出律师行业管理权的来源&内部契约形成、法律授权或确认、行政委托。

    By examining the history of how lawyers association has established and developed , we can see clearly the source of the trade management power of lawyers : formed by internal agreement , authorized or confirmed by law , entrusted by administration .

  11. 但是,目前我国立法上对行政委托规定不完善,仍存在诸多问题,如没有对行政委托做出统一规定,没有对委托的权限做出明确的法律限制,委托的对象没有统一标准;

    But our legislations at present is imperfect to the administrative entrustment stipulation , still have many problems . The administrative entrustment has not been made the unification stipulation , the entrustment jurisdiction has not been made the explicit legal limit , the entrustment object has not unified standard ;

  12. 在这样的大背景下,行政委托作为行政机关实现行政目标的延伸手段,因其充分利用社会各方面的力量参与管理,能有效节约行政成本,提高行政效率而被广泛使用。

    Under the big background , administrative entrusts are comprehensively used by administrative organs because these can extend administrative means to make the administrative goals and can make full use of all social forces to involve in management so as to effectively save administrative cost and improve the administrative efficiency .

  13. 由行政机关委托的组织所作的具体行政行为

    A specific administrative act has been undertaken by an organization as entrusted by an administrative organ

  14. 政府特许经营协议的行政性委托代理问题是公司法人治理出现的前提条件。

    On the Administrative Nature of Government Licensed Management Agreement agency by agreement comes before corporation management .

  15. 对行政处罚委托效力的保障不仅要符合基本的法律精神,而且要立足于我国现实状况。

    The security not only must comply with the basic law spirit , and also should be based on the realistic situation in China .

  16. 当务之急,除了对行政处罚委托的相关立法进行完善,进行有效的制度供给外,还要强化行政救济和司法救济,切实维护相关主体的合法权益。

    Top priority is to make addition to the relevant legislation , and to strengthen the administrative relief and the judicial relief for protecting the lawful rights and interests of the related subjects .

  17. 医患双方委托、卫生行政部门委托、法院途径委托鉴定的撤消率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    The differences of withdrawal rates of identified cases among three ways including consignations by both hospital and patient , by health administration , and by court were significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 受行政机关委托的组织或者个人在行使受委托的行政权力时侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,委托的行政机关为赔偿义务机关。

    An organization or individual entrusted by an administrative organ infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen , legal person or other organization and causes damage when exercising the entrusted administrative powers , shall be the organ under compensatory obligations .

  19. 国家工商行政管理局委托登记的公司。

    Companies of which the registration is entrusted by the State Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce .

  20. 省内158家卫生行政部门大多委托医疗机构进行物资储备。

    The administrative department of public health 158 home province most medical institution for materials reserve entrusted .

  21. 没有法律、法规或者规章的明确规定,行政机关不得委托其他行政机关实施行政许可;

    No administrative organs shall entrust other administrative organs to implement administrative license without definite provisions by laws , regulations or rules .

  22. 受委托行政机关在委托范围内,以委托行政机关名义实施行政许可;不得再委托其他组织或者个人实施行政许可。

    An authorized administrative organ shall , within the authorized scope , implement the administrative license in the name of the authorizing administrative organ ;

  23. 劳动保障行政部门可以委托会计师事务所对缴费单位缴纳社会保险费的情况进行审核。

    The administrative departments of labor security may entrust the accountant firms to make examination and verification on payer entities ' payment of social insurance premiums .

  24. 警察不认真执行某些法令只是表面现象,他们是受命于行政长官和委托人的。

    The failure of police to enforce certain laws is only the surface of the problem : they take their mandate from the officials and constituents they serve .

  25. 监考人、总监考人依据司法行政机关的委托和本办法的规定对违纪行为进行处理。

    An invigilator or the chief invigilator shall , according to the entrustment of the administrative judicial organ and the provisions of the present Measures , give treatment to any disciplinary breach .

  26. 香港特别行政区政府委托美国哈佛大学一个专家小组对香港的医疗制度作了一个全面评估,并就目前的融资安排(financialarrangement)提出改革方案。

    The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region commissioned a team of specialists from Harvard University to conduct a comprehensive assessment of health care system in Hong Kong and to propose options to improve the financial arrangement of the system .

  27. 第七十三条外国人、无国籍人、外国组织在中华人民共和国进行行政诉讼,委托律师代理诉讼的,应当委托中华人民共和国律师机构的律师。

    Article 73 When foreign nationals , stateless persons and foreign organizations appoint lawyers as their agents ad litem in administrative suits in the People 's Republic of China , they shall appoint lawyers of a lawyers ' organization of the People 's Republic of China .

  28. 接受司法机关和著作权行政管理机构的委托,对版权纠纷进行技术鉴定。

    To offer technological authentication for copyright disputes as entrusted by various judicial authorities and copyright administrations .

  29. 目前我国国有企业经营者产生方式主要有两种:行政任命制和委托一代理制。

    At present , state-owned enterprise managers have been put onto the present position either through administrative appointment system or as trustee-agent .

  30. 基于和谐视角的选择性行政行为制度探索委托代理理论认为,使代理人采取最优行为的最好办法是选择合适的奖金激励机制。

    According to agency theory , the best way of making agents take optimal action is to choose appropriate bonus motivation mechanism .