
xínɡ zhènɡ diào chá
  • administrative investigation;administrative inquiry
  1. 行政调查研究

    A Study on Administrative Investigation New probe into the administrative authorization

  2. 行政调查研究行政赔偿初探

    A Study on Administrative Investigation Research On The Administrative Compensation

  3. 论行政调查中相对人协助义务的限度

    On Limitation of Assisting Obligation in Administrative Investigation Witness and His obligation

  4. 第二章行政调查的实施。

    The second chapter is about inaction of administrative investigation .

  5. 行政调查基础理论研究

    Study on the Basic Theory of the Administrative Investigation

  6. 行政调查被广泛运用于行政实践中。

    Administrative investigation is widely used in the practice .

  7. 海洋电磁法行政调查研究

    Marine Electromagnetic Approach A Study on Administrative Investigation

  8. 对于形式多样的行政调查行为,调查实施原则尤为重要。

    The implementation principle of administrative investigation is especially important to administrative investigating action .

  9. 行政调查研究论行政执法财产保全法律制度浅探

    Primary study on law system of saving property

  10. 警察行政调查分析

    An Analysis on the Administrative Investigation of Police

  11. 行政调查不仅是事后证据的收集,还包括事前信息的收集。

    Administrative investigation includes not only subsequent collection of evidence , but antecedent collection of information .

  12. 分析行政调查的性质和分类,从行政过程论的角度界定行政调查乃行政上的一般制度,广泛适用于各个行政领域。

    The analysis and classification of the administrative investigation are regulations which discuss the administrative process .

  13. 通过对国内外行政调查概念不同界定的阐述和分析,选择本文所研究行政调查之基本内涵。

    The concept is adopted by means of studying the domestic and foreign administrative investigation concept .

  14. 行政调查初探

    The research of administrative investigation

  15. 行政调查概念的认识问题

    The concept of administrative investigation

  16. 然而在实践中,对行政调查的这种司法限制通常很容易符合规定标准。

    In practice , however , this jurisdictional limit on administrative investigations is generally easy to satisfy .

  17. 我国行政调查法律规制主要包括实体法规制和程序法规制两个方面。

    The-legal regulation of administrative investigation mainly covers two aspects : substantive legal regulation and procedural legal regulation .

  18. 无论如何,在行政调查或听证方面,对利用特权有一些重要的限制。

    However , there are some significant limitations on the use of the privilege in administrative investigations or hearings .

  19. 第二章从行政调查的过程分析了瑕疵行政调查在我国具体表现。

    Chapter II analyses the specific performance about the flaws in our country from the investigation of the process of investigating .

  20. 总共分为四个部分:第一部分阐述行政调查的基本理论。

    Is divided into four parts : In the first part , I discuss the elementary theory of the administration investigation .

  21. 在行政调查中,由于行政调查方式的不同,对于调查相对人有不同的损害。

    In the administrative investigation , due to the different ways of administrative investigation , the investigation has a different relative damage .

  22. 针对此三大瑕疵,可通过行政调查的立法完善、程序规范、司法审查等三个方面的结合而加以避免和进行一定的救济。

    Through the combination of legislative perfecting , procedural norms , and judicial review , those defects can be avoided and redressed .

  23. 在法律性质上,作为过程的行政调查是行政法上的一般性制度,具有独立的价值。

    In law , administrative investigation , as a process , is a general regulation of administrative law and has independent value .

  24. 第三章从法律文化和制度层面分析了行政调查瑕疵产生的原因及其带来的消极影响。

    Chapter III analyses the causes for the defect and its negative impact from the legal system and cultural aspects of the investigation .

  25. 行政调查是行政机关掌握行政信息的重要手段,同时也牵涉到对公民权利的限制与剥夺。

    Administrative investigation is the means to master the administrative information , which involves in restricting and depriving of the right of private party .

  26. 第五章最后从瑕疵行政调查对相对人的实体和程序权利损害两方面分析对瑕疵行政调查的法律救济。

    Chapter 5 the investigation of defects relative to the substantive rights and procedure rights of both the damage to the survey flawed legal relief .

  27. 警察行政调查即警察机关出于治安行政管理的目的,对治安信息进行收集和处理的活动。

    The police administrative investigation is to collect and deal with the information of public order for the purpose of the administrative management of public order .

  28. 依据现行的相关法律规定,对行政调查法律救济主体的范围进行界定,并对于实践中存在的不同类型的行政调查违法与不当情形,探讨不同的法律救济途径以及法律后果。

    According to the present law , the subject of legal relief is defined and different ways and the legal consequences of legal remedies are discussed .

  29. 中日行政调查中强制权运用之比较研究强制执行公证在商业银行不良贷款处置中的运用

    A Comparative Study on the Coercion in Administrative Investigation of China and Japan Applications of Enforcement Notarization in the Disposition of Commercial Banks ' Non-forming loans

  30. 由于行政调查法律救济实践运行中存在的问题以及立法中相关规定的欠缺,因此完善行政调查法律救济制度是必要的。

    It exists many problems in administrative investigation practice and lacks of legislation in administrative investigation , so perfecting the relief system of administrative investigation is necessary .