
xínɡ zhènɡ lì fǎ
  • administrative legislation
  1. 基于此,本文提出行政立法程序违法责任体系建构与实施的设想,并从行政立法程序违法的表现形态、基本成因、影响危害等方面做了深入分析。

    Based on this , this paper presents the idea of system construction and implementation of the responsibility in illegal administrative legislation procedure , and analyzes the illegal administrative legislation procedure from expression forms , basic causes , effects and other aspects .

  2. WTO与中国行政立法质量的提高

    WTO and Quality Increase of Chinese Administrative Legislation

  3. 加入WTO后对海关工作的影响是全面而深刻的,首当其冲的是海关行政立法工作。

    WTO is to exert an overall and profound influence to our customs work after the entry , which customs administrative legislation will first being affected .

  4. 完善海关行政立法既是履行WTO协定的成员义务的要求,也是利用WTO的基本原则发展自身的基本要求。

    Refine Customss administrative legislation is the WTO requirements to its members , as well as the requirement to our own enhancement using WTO principle rules .

  5. 从司法审查与行政立法、WTO与行政立法的司法审查以及建立与WTO要求相适应的司法审查制度等三个层面对WTO与中国行政立法的司法审查进行探讨。

    The thesis mainly discusses on judicial review and administrative legislation , WTO and the judicial review of administrative legislation , the built of judicial review system consistent with WTO .

  6. 为适应WTO规则的透明度要求,我国的行政立法程序需要改革,以使其具有更大的开放性,便于利害关系人的参与。

    To meet the requirement of the WTO 's principle of transparence , China 's legislative process of administration needs reforming in order to be convenient for the participation of the interested parties .

  7. 本文论述了我国加入WTO以后,由于采用多边争端解决机制解决贸易纠纷,可能在行政立法、司法体制、司法方式等方面对我国产生一定的影响。

    The papers argues that after China 's entry into WTO , the adoption of the multilateral disputes settlement system to settle the trade disputes will affect China 's legislation of the administrative laws , the judiciary system , the judiciary procedure , etc.

  8. 行政立法是行政机关的重要职能,行政机关所制定的行政法规、规章等是当代中国法律体系的重要组成部分。

    The administrative legalization is an important function of administrative organ .

  9. 法治背景下的中国行政立法研究

    The Administration under the Background Governed by Law Legislates to Study

  10. 行政立法的概念,要解决什么是行政立法;

    The concept of the legislation solve what the administration legislation is ;

  11. 其次,阐述了行政立法的发展趋势及成因。

    Secondly , I expound the trend and reason for the administration legislates .

  12. 论公众参与及其行政立法的正当性

    The Legitimacy of Rule-making Bases on the Public Participation

  13. 我国行政立法程序中公众参与相关法律问题研究

    Research on Related Legal Issues of Public Participation in Chinese Administrative Legislation Procedure

  14. 行政立法过程的利益表达、意见沟通和整合

    Expression of Interest , Communication of Opinions and Collaboration in Administrative Rule-making Process

  15. 而行政立法听证制度正是一种用以实现实质正义的公正的程序措施。

    Administrative legislative hearing system is a procedure way to realize the substance justice .

  16. 析亟待扩大适用范围的我国行政立法听证程序

    Analysis of Applicable Range to Be Urgently Expanded in Chinas Administration Legislation Hearing Program

  17. 因此,人们关注的焦点从行政立法的合法性问题转向了行政立法的控制问题。

    So the focus of administrative legislation transforms from the legitimacy to the control mechanism .

  18. 在促进扩展中监督行政立法

    Inspecting administrative legislation under promoting and extending

  19. 行政立法评估是优化行政立法、提高行政立法质量的途径之一。

    Administrative legislation assessment is a way to optimize legislation system and improve legislation quality .

  20. 近年来,全国各地广泛开展了公众参与行政立法的实践活动。

    Throughout the country carried out extensive public participation in the executive and legislative practice .

  21. 第六部分提出了推进公众参与地方行政立法的基本思路。

    Part VI proposes legislation to promote public participation in local administration the basic idea .

  22. 加强行政立法;

    To strengthen the administrative legislation ;

  23. 因此,行政立法权的范围应当受到议会立法的严格限制。

    Therefore , the scope of administrative legislative power should be severely limited by parliament legislation .

  24. 行政立法与行政权力的制约

    Administration legislation and restriction of power

  25. 交通立法是欧盟经济行政立法领域的非常重要的方面。

    Traffic legislation is the EU economy administrative legislation in the field of very important aspect .

  26. 行政立法的正当性研究

    On the Legitimacy of Administrative Legislation

  27. 在我国,听证制度虽然取得一定的成效,但也存在着诸如适用范围过窄,行政立法听证流于形式,听证主持人员素质不高,举证责任不明确等问题。

    In our country , hearing system has produced some effect but also has some problems .

  28. 但信赖保护原则在中国行政立法和司法中还鲜有体现,在我国行政法学的研究和行政法的运用中才刚刚起步。

    But trust protection principle in China also rarely reflected in the legislative and judicial activities .

  29. 城市拆迁应加强行政立法和制度建设。

    City should strengthen administrative legislative and system construction in the process of relocation of residents .

  30. 西方行政立法控制机制及其对我国的启示

    The Control Mechanism of the Administrative Legislation in Western Countries and the Enlightenments to Our Country