
  • 网络Administration Communication;Executive Communications
  1. 第二,当前我国在行政沟通中存在的主要障碍。

    Second , current our country administration communication in the presence of obstacles .

  2. 同样,行政沟通的主要载体也是语言。

    Similarly , the administrative language is the main carrier for communication .

  3. 论行政沟通对政策执行的影响网络化环境下的行政沟通

    Influence of Administrative Communication on Policy Implementation The Administrative Connection at Network Setting

  4. 随着信息时代的到来,行政沟通已经引起管理界、学术界越来越多的关注。

    With the coming of information age , communication has caused more and more attentions .

  5. 行政沟通技巧刍议

    On the Skill of Administrative Communication

  6. 行政沟通是行政组织的血液,在行政管理中起着不可替代的作用。

    Administrative communication , the blood of administrative organization , plays an irreplaceable role in administrative management .

  7. 行政沟通是影响政策执行效果的重要因素之一。

    Administrative communication is one of the important factors which have influence on the effect of policy implementation .

  8. 这种相互沟通就是行政沟通。行政沟通有正式沟通和非正式沟通之分。

    This mutual intercourse is an administrative intercourse , which can be divided into formal intercourse and informal intercourse .

  9. 网络化环境必然导致行政沟通从内容到方式的革命性变革。

    The network environment is inevitably to bring about a revolutionary change in the contents and methods of administrative connection .

  10. 政务信息是一种使用较广泛的事务性公文,也是行政沟通过程中重要的书面沟通形式。

    Government information is a more extensive use of transactional documents , administrative communication is important during the written forms of communication .

  11. 针对行政沟通的研究,近年来层出不穷,但少有人去研究主导行政沟通的行政语言的运用。

    In recent years , administrative communication research is emerging , but only few people study the use of administrative language in administrative communication .

  12. 研究发现行政沟通中信息不对称主要表现为信息分布失衡,信息传递失真和信息使用失度三方面。

    Study found that administrative communication in asymmetric information mainly for the information distribution imbalance , information transmission distortion and loss of degrees in three areas of information use .

  13. 而政务信息在写作过程中也应遵从便于沟通、加强联系的目标,以实现行政沟通的有效性为目的。

    And government information in the writing process should follow to facilitate communication , the goal to strengthen ties , in order to achieve administrative effectiveness of communication for the purpose .

  14. 主要从沟通、行政沟通的含义,当代中国行政沟通、行政沟通研究的价值以及行政沟通失败的因素等方面对行政沟通进行了认真详细的论述。

    Mainly from communication , communicate the meaning of contemporary Chinese administration , administrative communication , administrative communication research value and administrative communication failure factors of administrative communication has been seriously discussed in detail .

  15. 而且行政沟通过程与政务信息写作过程在具体的操作实践中存在交集甚至在某些方面是一致的,两者结合存在理论和实践基础。

    Moreover , the administrative process of communication and government information in the process of writing the specific operational practices that exist in some aspects of the intersection is the same , a combination that has a profound theoretical and practical basis .

  16. 行政沟通是行政信息传递者和接受者之间通过一定的媒介传递推行政务所需的观念、情感、消息、情报、资料等信息,并借以增进相互了解、协调行动的过程和方法。

    Administrative communication is the transmitter and receiver of information transmission medium must pass through the government needed to implement the idea , emotion , message , information , data and other information , and to promote mutual understanding and coordination of actions and processes .

  17. 针对这些原因,笔者提出规避行政沟通中信息不对称的路径有完善行政问责制,推进行政组织扁平化发展,完善我国政务信息公开建设,提高人员信息素质和发展电子政务。

    For these reasons , I propose to avoid administrative communication in the path of asymmetric information have improved administrative accountability , and promote the development of flat administrative organizations , improve public building of government information and improve staff quality and development of e-government information .

  18. 观察和分析信息不对称在行政沟通中的现实表现后总结出造成信息不对称的原因主要有个人因素,人际关系的影响,信息技术的制约,基础的薄弱和行政机制的缺陷。

    Observation and analysis of information asymmetry in the performance of administrative communication in reality caused by asymmetric information after the conclusion the main causes of personal factors , interpersonal relationship , information technology constraints , based on the weak and the administrative mechanisms of defect .

  19. 政府回应作为行政沟通的一环,其在行政管理过程中,多变复杂的环境带来的各种挑战面前,如何积极有效地回应民意,畅通政民互动,提升行政管理效能显得至关重要。

    The government response as administrative communication of a ring , in the administrative process is changeable and complex environment to bring all sorts of challenges , how to actively and effectively respond to public opinion , unblocked politics civilian interactive , increase the administrative efficiency is very important .

  20. 这些障碍导致了行政组织沟通不畅,效率低下。

    These obstacles to the administrative organization communication , the efficiency is low .

  21. 在现代社会中,由于科学技术的迅速发展、经济全球化的出现,行政组织的沟通显得更为重要。

    In modern society , administrative organization communication becomes more and moer important because of the rapid development of science and technology , and the economic globalization .

  22. 应加强行政处室之间的沟通协调,以利服务行销策略之推动。

    Enhance the communication and coordination among the administrative divisions to promote service marketing strategies smoothly .

  23. 政务信息写作对行政机关事务的处理和行政沟通效果有举足轻重的作用。

    Writing the executive branch of government information processing and administrative affairs of the effect of communication plays a decisive role .

  24. 行政系统的运行离不开行政沟通。

    Administrative system runs with administrative communication .

  25. 因此,他在转变政府职能、人事行政、财政管理、法制行政和行政沟通监督等方面进行了大刀阔斧的改革,取得了瞩目的成就。

    Therefore , he made great efforts on transformation of the governmental functions , personnel administration , financial management , administrative legislation and administrative supervision , and finally , he acquired great achievements .

  26. 针对这些问题,应构建多通道的行政信息开发和传送体系,增强行政工作的透明度,实现行政沟通手段的现代化,完善其制度法规等。

    In order to solve the problems , we should construct multi channel administrative information development and transmition system , strengthen degree of openness in administrative work , realize the modernization of the method in communication , perfect rules and regulations , etc.

  27. 随着行政体制改革的加快和各部门之间联系的加强,政务信息作为重要的书面沟通方式在行政沟通过程中的作用凸显。

    With the acceleration of administrative reform and strengthening of linkages between the various departments , government information written communication as an important administrative role in the process of communication highlights .

  28. 行政复议作为公民寻求行政救济、行政机关实现内部监督的一种有效途径,它不仅起到保护公民合法权益的作用,也是公民与行政机关、行政机关内部联系沟通的纽带。

    Administrative reconsideration as a citizen to seek administrative relief , the administrative organ of internal supervision is an effective way , it not only played the role of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens , civil and administrative organs , administrative organs internal contact communication link .