
  • 网络administrative coordination;administration coordination;administrative mediation;Administration Harmonization
  1. 环境行政法协调机制研究

    The Research of Coordinating Mechanism of Environment Administrative Law

  2. 第三章主要对环境行政法协调机制的原理进行了探讨。

    The third chapter elaborates the principle of environment administrative law coordinating mechanism .

  3. 对行政诉讼协调和解结案方式的思考

    Reflections on the Way to Wind up Administrative Lawsuit Cases through Mediation and Conciliation

  4. 笔者认为其中的一个重要落脚点在于构建区域行政立法协调机制,并在实践中有效运作。

    I believe the important thing is to construct the regional legislative coordination mechanism and make it effectively in practice .

  5. 二是重视水制度改革中水法、水政策、水行政的协调一致;

    Secondly , emphasis should be placed on the coordination between water law , water policy and water administration in water reform .

  6. 文章的基本结构共由四章组成:第一章主要探讨了环境行政法协调机制的概念及特征。

    The paper is made up of 4 parts : The first chapter discusses the definition and character of environment administrative law coordinating mechanism .

  7. 受理有争议的,由其共同的上一级行政机关协调决定受理机关。

    Failure to reach agreement , an immediately higher common administrative authority shall determine , through consultation , the administrative authority to accept the matter .

  8. 而行政诉讼协调的适用应当遵循有限协调原则、适度协调原则、合法性原则、自愿原则。

    And coordination of administrative litigation shall follow these principles : limited coordination principle , appropriate coordination principle , the principle of legality , the principle of voluntarily .

  9. 文章认为:将传统的集中型国家行政垂直协调体制的体育发展模式,改为有宏观控制的社会自我协调体制的发展模式,是我国体育体制改革所需要达到的目标模式。

    The author believes that the combination model between macro control and management by society itself will be the goal objecting model for China sport from reforming the traditional highly centralizing management system .

  10. 行政案件协调和解是行政审判领域贯彻构建社会主义和谐社会战略思想、实现行政审判法律效果与社会效果统一的有效手段之一。

    The system of composition with creditors of the administrative case remains one of the effective ways to construct the strategic thought of harmonious society and realize the unity of the legal result and social effect .

  11. 行政诉讼协调机制的具体规则则应从以下几个方面予以完善:行政诉讼协调机制的参与者、适用范围、启动程序、开展程序、结案方式与行政诉讼协调的救济。

    The specific rules of administrative litigation coordination mechanism should be perfected from the following aspects : the participants , scope , starting program , developing procedures , settlement and relieves of administrative litigation coordination mechanism .

  12. 联合国系统行政首长协调委员会(行政首长协调委员会)-纽约,美国市政总署署长是临时市政局的首席行政人员,也是市政总署的首长。

    United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination ( CEB ) - New York , USA The Director of Urban Services was the council 's principal executive officer as well as the head of the Urban Services Department .

  13. 主要借鉴:法律体系完备,行政管理协调有效,环保教育普及,公众广泛参与,环境产业发达,林业发展环境宽松。

    The main experience is those : Law system is complete , administration is effective , environmental education is common , environmental industry is well developed , the public participates actively , adn forestry has a suitable developmental environment .

  14. 应逐步形成政府出台激励机制吸引人才、县级医院制定优惠政策留用人才、卫生行政部门协调区域优质医疗资源培养人才的三方都必须承担相应的责任及职责的责任分担机制。

    County hospital should make preferential policies to retain talent . Health administrative department should coordinate regional top quality medical resources to training personnel . These tripartite must bear the corresponding liabilities and duties of the burden-sharing mechanism . 2 .

  15. 文章在明确环境行政法协调机制基本概念、对协调机制背景的具体考察、论述协调机制基本原理的基础上,重点从制度构建角度探讨环境行政法的协调机制。

    On the basis of definition of the environment administrative law coordinating mechanism and inspection of background of coordinating mechanism , the paper emphasizes the discussion of environment administrative law coordinating mechanism from the point of view of establishing system .

  16. 这些原因造成外资综合管理系统的建设存在以下难点:外资业务专业性极强;项目建设涉及到多个政府行政部门协调;建设内容涵盖范围广;项目实施内容包括不同政府机关的不同信息系统整合。

    The situation has caused the difficulties of development of supervision of the foreign fund , which are : the strong specialty of foreign fund business , projects involving several governmental coordination , the construction covering vastly , the implementation of the projects concerning different departments and information .

  17. 联合国与各专门机构及原子能机构间行政和预算协调

    Administrative and budgetary cooperation between the United Nations and the specialized agencies and IAEA

  18. 地方各级政府和教育行政部门统筹协调,扎实推进农村义务教育各项工作。

    Governments and education authority at all local levels coordinated all efforts in improving rural compulsory education .

  19. 本文结合实际,总结了若干综合技术措施和行政管理、协调手段。

    The paper summarizes some comprehensive technical measures and administrative management , coordination means combined with the practice .

  20. 三是行政法要协调好行政权与各种权力与权益的关系,在价值上达到社会公正理念。

    It must coordinate the relationships among administrative power , other power and rights to realize social fairness in value .

  21. 跨部门的重大海洋环境保护工作,由国务院环境保护行政主管部门协调;

    Major trans-department marine environment protection work shall be co-ordinated by the competent administrative department in charge of environment protection under the State Council .

  22. 滥用职权罪的立法需完善,核心在于罪名分解,并注意保持刑法与行政法的协调统一。

    The suggestion of legislative improvement is that the accusation should be decomposed , meanwhile , keep the coordination between criminal law and administrative law .

  23. 基于学术权力与行政权力关系协调的我国大学组织建设,一直是学界研究的一个难点。

    The construction of university organizations under the coordination of the relationships between academic power and administrative power has been a difficulty in the academic research .

  24. 本项研究的结果提示,在做好行政及管理协调的基础上,从自然保护的角度着眼,可把地理相近、梯度相差较少的保护区合并,组成更大面积的自然保护区。

    The findings from this study suggest that adjacent low-gradient nature reserves can be merged for better conservation of nature and natural resources , if administration and management are feasible .

  25. 就算布加耶夫能取得政府发放的土地,想要开始开发,还要得到负责执行各类繁复规章的22个行政机关的协调行动才行。

    And even if Mr. Bugaev were to get allotted land , developing it would require cooperation from 22 different government agencies responsible for enforcing a thicket of rules and regulations .

  26. 根据现有国情,主要考虑经济区域与行政区域相协调的原则。再次,利用遗传算法模拟区域成长阶段。

    According to the national conditions now , consider the harmony principle of the economic area and administrative area mainly . Moreover , utilize the genetic algorithm to imitate the growing stage of regional economy .

  27. 无论从实体法来说还是从程序法的角度而言,还是从有关行政规制的协调性上来说,我国的电力行业反垄断法律规制都存在着各种各样的问题。

    No matter from substantive law is still from the procedural law perspective , or from the relevant administrative regulation of coordination speaking , our power industry anti-monopoly law regulation and there are all kinds of problems .

  28. 最后,指出要通过编制主要功能区的专门规划以及构建不同规划主管部门和跨行政区的协调和调整机制来保障空间规划实施。

    Last , the author points out that it is necessary to work out special programmes of main function areas and structure coordinating mechanism between different competent departments and administrative areas to ensure the enforcement of space planning .

  29. 面对新形势,高校必须充分发挥学术权力的核心作用,建立以学术权力与行政权力的协调制衡为基础的科学合理的内部管理架构和运行机制。

    Facing the new situation , colleges and universities have to make academic power the core part of inside management and set up the scientific and rational internal management structure and operating mechanism in which academic power and administrative power could cooperate and supervise each other .

  30. 以市场为主导,建立行政&市场相互协调的配置机制;

    Establishing deposition mechanism of administration market mutual coordination in the orientation of market ;