
xínɡ zhènɡ kònɡ zhì
  • administrative control
  1. 在此数据库安全的行政控制、对数据库的稽核和监检是很重要的。

    The administrative control , auditing and monitoring are important database security mechanisms .

  2. 竞技体育政策的全球化与重建&从行政控制到网络化管理

    Globalization and reconstruction of competitive sports policies & From administrative control to networked management

  3. 这种控制包括内部行政控制、外部政治控制和产出控制。

    The control included internal administrative controls , external political control and output control .

  4. 论科学技术的行政控制

    On the Administration Control of Science & Technology

  5. 哲学视野中的科学技术行政控制

    On the Administration Control of Science and Technology

  6. 行政控制多,法律手段少;国有企业多,盈利企业少;

    More administration and few law means ;

  7. 分析了技术行政控制的两种方式:指令型技术控制及诱导型技术控制。

    Analyses the two types of administrative control of technology : by instruction and by induction .

  8. 论技术的行政控制

    On the Administrative Control of Technology

  9. 加强法制建设,推进科技行政控制的法治化进程;

    Strengthen the legal system construction , accelerate the legality construction process of science and technology administration control ;

  10. 论食品卫生行政控制决定中相对人的法律义务和责任

    Discussion on law duties and responsibilities of a law relative person under the decision of food hygiene administrative control

  11. 进行/协调工作风险分析;为每个职位确定恰当的工程/行政控制方法及个人防护用品。

    Perform / coordinate Job Hazard Analysis ; Identify proper engineering and / or administrative controls and PPE for each position .

  12. 不同国家采取不同的控制模式,西方国家普遍采用司法主导的模式,而在我国不正当竞争的法律控制模式应以司法控制为主,以行政控制为辅;

    The Western countries adopt judicial dominating approaches to control injustice competition , whereas China adopts legal forces assisted by administrative measures .

  13. 对于母子公司管控模式,本文主要分析了三种母子公司管控模式:行政控制型、参与控制型和平台控制型。

    As the management and control modes , this article analyze three generic modes : administration control , participation control and platform control .

  14. 公共预算控制可分两个大的系统,即政府部门的内部行政控制和立法机构的外部政治控制。

    Public budget may be divided into two big systems : A the government departments ' internal administrative control and the legislative institution 's external political control ;

  15. 1957年反右运动后,实际上取消了农民的退社自由,并转而运用行政控制和政治思想斗争的方式把退社风潮强行压制下来。

    After the anti-rightist movement in 1957 , peasant freedom to drop out of cooperatives was denied , and the dropout tide was crushed with administrative control and political struggle .

  16. 目前农村信用社法人治理结构存在着诸如三会组织形同虚设、行政控制现象比较严重等缺陷。这些缺陷主要是由于产权不明晰,产权制度不完善等一系列原因造成的。

    At present , there exist some serious shortcomings in the corporate governance structure of the rural credit association , which are caused by undefined property right and imperfect property system .

  17. 海湾国家以及其它面临通胀问题的新兴市场国家可能还可以尝试其它策略,包括提高补贴、公共部门加薪以及对价格和租金实行各类行政控制。

    Gulf countries and other emerging markets with inflation problems could try other strategies , including higher subsidies , public sector wage increases , and administrative controls on prices and rents .

  18. 表现在高管薪酬制度上,一方面是政府部门对高管薪酬有严格的行政控制;另一方面是天价薪酬等现象时常见诸媒体。

    Performance in executive pay system , on the one hand is on the executive pay of government departments have strict administrative control ; the other hand , increasing executive pay .

  19. 将中国古代的市场管理思想归纳为三个方面:直接实行行政控制的市场管理思想,以《周礼》、商鞅为代表;

    The article summarizes the market management ideas in ancient China in three ways : the idea of direct control by administration with 《 Zhou Li 》, Shang Yang as representatives ;

  20. 要解决这些问题就要切实采取措施实现国家法律与民间规则的良性互动、加强对乡村社会法律资源的供给以及切实推进行政控制手段自身的改革。

    To solve these problems , we must take practical measures to strengthen the legal resources supply in the rural society and encourage interaction of state laws and the civil rules .

  21. 但是,在政府的行政控制和传统新闻观念等因素的影响下,媒体对突发公共卫生事件的报道并不如人意。

    However , with the impacts of administrative control by the governments and traditional news concepts held by most reporters , media coverings on public health emergencies are far from being good enough .

  22. 其控制手段包括立法控制、行政控制,以及交易所的自我控制;控制重点在于证券交易所的商业目标和公共职能之间的内在紧张关系;控制目标在于督促交易所履行职责,促进交易所维护公共利益。

    The means of control include legislative control , administrative control and self-control by stock exchanges . The keystone of control is the mediation of strained relation between business goal and public function .

  23. 政府督查实质上是领导机关对下级机关实施的一种行政控制活动,通常包括决策督查、专项查办、督查调研和政策协调等职能。

    Government supervision and inspection is essentially administrative control activity that the leadership authority controls the lower level departments , usually include supervision of decision-making , special investigation , supervision research and policy coordination .

  24. 然后分析了实施控制的基本过程,这也是从现代行政控制的过程进行分析,即确立标准、衡量成效和纠正偏差。

    Then analyzes the the basic process of control implementation , which is an analysis from the process of the modern administrative , that is , establishing standards , measuring results and correcting the deviation .

  25. 市场规制法执法模式影响立法偏好进而影响市场规制法体系的构建,我国宜在当前以行政控制为主、司法控制为辅的情况下,加强司法控制,完善司法控制手段和司法救济途径。

    The enforcement mode of Market Regulation Law influence legislation preference thereby affecting the construction of market regulation law system . Therefore China should mainly depend on administrative control and take judicial control as a supplement in the current .

  26. 我国公共预算改革的深化应当是一种综合性的改革,将公共责任和行政控制引入政府预算与财政管理,建立一种严格控制取向的预算体制。

    The deepening of China 's public budget reform ought to be comprehensive , public responsibility and administrative control should be led into government budget and financial management , thus set up a budget system with orientation being controlled strictly .

  27. 在行政控制中,工商团体并非完全处于被动状态,他们往往借助于政府权力实现其目的,二者之间实际上形成了一种互动。

    The relationship between industrial and commercial organizations and government was not totally passive but an interactive one in the course of the administrative control as , with the help of government authority , the associations could achieve their goals .

  28. 上海自由贸易区于2013年9月挂牌成立,它曾被誉为一场雄心勃勃的自由市场改革实验,将解除各种管制,从金融和外汇管制,到针对外商投资的行政控制。

    Shanghai 's free trade zone , or FTZ , which opened in September 2013 , was heralded as a laboratory for ambitious free market reforms that would lift everything from financial and currency restrictions to administrative controls on foreign investment .

  29. 在行政控制上,政府主要通过指导和监督来实现。其主要手段是检核报备材料、敦促工商团体成立、回复提案以及催缴欠费。

    The administrative control of the government was conducted mainly by guidance and supervision , whose main measures were to inspect the submitted material , urge the establishment of industrial and commercial associations , answer the motions and press for the ar-rears .

  30. 行政控制以强调财政资源配置效率为主,政治控制以落实公共责任为主。行政控制与政治控制的进步及其二者的互动直接影响甚至决定公共预算体制的发展。

    Administrative control put emphasis on the allocation of financial resources while political control emphasizes the implement of public responsibility , administrative control and political control 's progress and interaction affect the development of public budget system directly and even decide its development .