
xínɡ zhènɡ quán xiàn
  • Administrative authority;administrative faculties
  1. 文章强调权力配置与权力制衡必须协调一致,行政权限的下放必须与监督机制的建立同步进行。

    It is emphasized that the power and supervision should correspond .

  2. 行政权限纠纷的解决途径研究

    A Study on the Resolving Approach of the Dissension of Administrative Competence

  3. 从法国型地方政府看地方行政权限的合理性

    On the Rationality of Local Administrative Rights and Limits in the Case of France

  4. 行政权限争议的司法解决&论我国机关诉讼的构建

    Judicial Solution to Disputes of Administrative Competence & Constructing the Litigation of Public Authorities in China

  5. 很多省市虽然为加快开发区的发展设定了一些优惠政策和行政权限。

    Many provinces and cities for accelerating the development zone though set some preferential policy and administrative privileges .

  6. 两区政策环境相同,起点和行政权限相似,但反差巨大。

    Two districts the same policy environment , and administrative powers similar to the starting point , but a huge contrast .

  7. 反倾销司法审查的标准包括事实问题和法律问题两个方面,体现了国内法院对行政权限一定程度的尊重。

    The standard of judicial review com-prises both fact and law issues , which embodies respecting administrative power by domestic courts .

  8. 因此笔者试图对此问题作一较为系统的探讨,以求为我国建立完善的行政权限纠纷解决途径尽自己的一点微薄之力。

    So the author tries to study it systematically , and do something to the perfecting of dissension of administrative competence .

  9. 行政权限争议是行政机关之间法定权力的争议,该争议的合理、有效解决直接关涉公民合法权益的保障与公共利益的增长。

    It is the safeguard of the lawful welfare of the citizens to solve the disputes of administrative authority properly and efficiently , which are the disputes among administrative organs about the legal power .

  10. 我国正处于社会转型期,由于社会利益多元化以及利益冲突加剧带来的行政权限纠纷正成为我国建构法治政府的巨大阻碍。

    The dissension of administrative competence which is brought by the diversity of social interests and the clash of interests is becoming a enormous holdback to the building of our rule of law country .

  11. 行政权限争议并不是一个新问题。但是行政权限争议中的相对人利益保护问题却是一个缺乏深度关注的新问题。

    Though the dissension of administrative competence is not a new problem , protection of the administrative counterpart in the dissension of administrative competence is a quite new area which needs to be focus on .

  12. 通过下放行政权限,使农村社区中心部分行使或者大部分行使原有属于乡镇的职能,使之成为提供基层社会管理和服务的新平台。

    Through the decentralization of powers , the rural community center can perform some or most of the township functions , making it to be a new platform which could provide grass-roots social management and services .

  13. 从一起纠纷案例析档案行政裁决权限的设定

    Analyzing Establishment of Jurisdiction of Archival Administrative Adjudication From a Disputing Case

  14. 关于民政,行政的权限从来没有提到过;

    There is never any mention of civil administrative powers ;

  15. 潍坊市城市管理行政执法权限设置与执法统计系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Statistical Systems for Setting Weifang Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Authority

  16. 机关诉讼是指由法院通过诉讼程序解决行政机关权限争议的一种诉讼类型。

    The organ litigation is a sort of the administrative litigations which the court arbitrates the administrative power dispute .

  17. 行政立法权限及其制度化研究应通过加强行政执法队伍建设,实现行政自由裁量制度化、行政监督机构权威化等途径推进行政自由裁量权内部约束机制的创新。

    The innovation of the mechanism includes strengthening of administrative group , the institutionalization of jurisdiction , the authorization of law enforcement agency .

  18. 摘要通过对我国立法体制、立法权限和行政许可权限的研究,从行政立法法律法规角度,探讨了南水北调有关立法形式问题,提出了初步措施。

    By studying current lawmaking systems , legislative limits and administrative admission in china , the author discussed legislative forms for the South-to-North Water Transfer Project and put forward some measures .

  19. 从而,转变政府职能,理顺省、市、县三级之间的行政职责权限,解决市县博弈冲突,促进县域经济腾飞,解决县乡财政困难,最终成功推行省直管县体制。

    Thus , to transform government functions ; to rationalize the provincial , city and county levels of administrative duties and responsibilities ; to resolve the conflict game cities and counties ; to promote country economy growth ; to solve the financial difficulties of counties , advance this system successfully .

  20. 论行政法规制定权限的监督与制约

    To discuss supervision and restrict of administrative law regulations

  21. 立法机构与行政机构的权限划分是立法机构重建中遇到的重大问题。

    Separation of legislative institution and administrative institution is a big problem in rebuilding legislation institution .

  22. 在沃尔格林做出这一决定前,美国财政部警告称,正就各种可能的行政举措的权限进行评估,以阻止企业利用跨境交易逃避美国税收。

    The decision followed a warning from the US Treasury that it was reviewing a broad range of authorities for possible administrative action to deter companies from using cross-border deals to escape US taxes .

  23. 首先,探讨了行政契约的缔结权限,然后在此基础上对行政契约缔约过失责任进行了研究。

    It first studies the concluding purview of administrative contract , then research concluding defect liability of administrative contract .

  24. 区、县劳动行政部门按照管理权限,负责本辖区内劳动保护监察工作。

    District or county labor administrative departments are , in accordance with their competence , responsible for labor protection control within their jurisdiction .

  25. 地方政府决策是指由省、市、县等地方行政机关依法定权限分别处理本行政区域内的地方性行政管理事务时所做出的决策。

    Local government decision-making is made by the provincial , city , county and other local executive authority were dealt with in accordance with the law for the administrative regions of the local administrative affairs made the decision-making .

  26. 但是,当前我国企业并购税法规范存在着明显的不足:在现行不规范的分税制下,企业所得税实行按企业行政级次划分征管权限和入库级次,分别归属中央财政收入和地方各级财政收入。

    Under the acting abnormal tax-separation system , and according to administration class of enterprises , enterprises income tax divided into taxpaying limitation and ranks of fisc , which belongs to central financial incomes and local financial incomes respectively .

  27. 在实践中,为更好地解决行政与民事审判权限冲突,必须构建一套与之相适应的权限争议解决机制,以确保法院民事与行政审判权的有效运作。

    In practice , in order to solve the conflict between administration and civil jurisdiction better , we must establish a set of solution mechanism of authority disputes applied to it , so as to ensure the effective operation of civil jurisdiction and administrative jurisdiction .

  28. 法律优先原则和法律保留原则是依法行政的内容,也是确定行政立法权限的原则。

    The doctrines of law superiority and law reservation are the important requests in administration by law .

  29. 正确处理司法权和行政权的关系,合理界定行政规定的权限范围与对应的司法审查范围,以体现权力分工与制衡的法治要求。

    We should handle properly the relation between judicial powers and the administrative power , fix the extent of competence in administration provisions and corresponding judicial review range , To embody the demand rule by law in authority division and equilibrium .

  30. 即赋予经济发展状况较好、行政管理水平较高的县(市)更多的行政管理权限,并在行政隶属关系上变市管县为省管县。

    Namely , to entrust more administration jurisdiction to the governments of counties ( cities ) which have better economic condition and higher administration level , and changes " city administering county " system to " province administering county " system in administrative subordination relations .