
  • 网络administrative efficiency;administrative effectiveness;administrative potency
  1. 行政效能监察工作在促进政府部门转变职能,改变工作作风,改进工作方法,提高工作效率方面发挥了有力的作用。

    The monitoring of administrative effectiveness play a powerful roe in promoting the changes in the functions of government departments , changing work style , improving work methods and enhancing work efficiency .

  2. 公共选择理论不仅提出提高政府行政效能的关键在于规则变革,而且提出了规则变革的优先顺序,即与政治规则相比,优先选择经济规则;

    Public choice theory not only points out that rule reforming is the key point to improve the administrative effectiveness of government , but also gives the preference of rule reforming : compared with the political rule , choose the economical rule firstly ;

  3. 二是完善行政效能监察法规。

    Second , improve the administrative efficiency supervision and regulations .

  4. 四是行政效能监察法规体系不完善。

    Fourth , inadequate administrative efficiency supervision and regulation system .

  5. 行政效能则是行政组织内在能力的外部表现,指行政组织活动对实现行政目标发挥的有效的功能;

    Administrative effect is the available result of administration organizations ;

  6. 三是行政效能监察工作机制不健全。

    Third , administrative efficiency supervision mechanism is not perfect .

  7. 加强行政效能建设提高政府服务水平

    Strengthen the Construction of Administrative Efficacy , Enhance the Governmental Service Level

  8. 民族地区行政效能改善问题研究

    On Improving the Function of Administrative System in National Region

  9. 制度补正:提高中国行政效能的根本途径

    Mending of System : the Fundamental Way in Enhancing Administrative Efficacy of China

  10. 制度是决定行政效能高低的根本因素。

    System is a fundamental factor affecting administrative efficacy .

  11. 公务员激励机制对行政效能的影响及其完善

    About the Influence of the Excitation Mechanism of Civil Servants on Administrative Efficacy

  12. 但行政效能建设是一项复杂的系统工程,不可能一蹴而就。

    However , administrative efficiency is a complicated systematic project , not overnight .

  13. 公务员的激励机制是影响行政效能的重要环节。

    The excitation mechanism is an important factor that influences the administrative efficacy .

  14. 二是行政效能监察体制不合理。

    The second is unreasonable administrative performance monitoring system .

  15. 四是行政效能监察有待加强;

    Fourthly , the effects of administrative supervision have not been strengthened enough .

  16. 论转变干部作风加强机关行政效能建设

    To Improve the Administration Capability by the Transformation of Working Style of Cadres

  17. 一个行政效能干事,南希?基利弗;

    A chief performance officer , Nancy Killefer ;

  18. 加强行政效能监督机制的思考

    Reinforcing the Supervision System of Administration Efficiency

  19. 教育行政效能是教育行政学研究的一项重要问题。

    The efficiency of Educational Administration is an important issue for the research of educational administration .

  20. 第四,强化行政效能监察,改善行政管理,提高行政效能;

    Fourthly , strengthen the effects of administrative supervision , improve the administration and raise its efficiency .

  21. 随着药品安全事故频发,监管部门的行政效能也受到前所未有的考验。

    With drug safety accidents , the administrative efficiency of regulators have also been faced unprecedented challenges .

  22. 政府绩效审计是促进政府行政效能建设和提高政府执政能力的有效举措。

    Government performance auditing is an effective measure to promote administrative efficiency as well as improve administrative ability .

  23. 目前中国行政效能不高的问题和矛盾,主要反映在财政绩效问题上。

    Nowadays Chinese administrative efficiency is not high problems and contradictions , mainly reflected in the financial performance issues .

  24. 不同的政府整合类型赖以产生和存在的社会背景、社会条件各不相同,对于政府的行政效能及其社会后果也有着鲜明的不同的影响。

    Each type has its own social foundation and different influence on government 's administrative ability and social development .

  25. 因此,总体而言行政效能的理论研讨还处于相对落伍状况。

    Therefore , relatively speaking , the theoretical study of our administrative efficiency still lags behind on the whole .

  26. 开展行政效能监察,有利于遏止腐败行为,推动经济建设发展,促进政令畅通。

    Carrying on administrative efficiency supervision is benefit to prevent corruption , promote economic development and make policy go smooth .

  27. 行政效能电子监察是电子政务众多系统中较为特殊的一个,是一种建立在顶层的电子政务系统。

    The electronic supervision system of administrative efficiency is the special and the top of the large number of e-government systems .

  28. 围绕提升行政效能而开展的行政效能监察也成为当前各级地方政府研究的重大课题。

    Improving the administrative efficiency and administrative efficacy supervision at all levels of local government have become the major research topic .

  29. 适度仿企业化可以看作是提高行政效能,完善职能服务而值得探索的新思路和新途径。

    Moderately imitating the commercialization will be allowed to regard as the new mentality and the new way which is worth exploring .

  30. 所以提高行政效能的根本还是应从人抓起,根源就在人所作出的行为上。

    Therefore , improving the administrative efficiency of the fundamental , or start from the person , the root cause of human behavior made .