
  • 网络decision making;administrative decision-making;Executive Decision;policy-making
  1. 因此,本文主要研究行政决策与执行分离改革的问题,监督的内容不做重点阐述。

    Apparently , the paper focus on issues of reform on the separation of decision making and administration , and the issue on supervising in not fully discussed .

  2. 本文重点研究大连市行政决策与行政执行分离改革的对策,这种行政管理体制方面的探索,最终目标是摆脱传统行政决策与执行一体化的模式,解决一体化所带来的问题。

    The paper focuses on the policy of the separation of decision making and administration in Dalian Municipal Government . The exploration of the administration management system is to finally get rid of the traditional decision making and administration in one mode and solve problems with one system .

  3. 论WTO的决策规则与我国行政决策的改善

    On the Decision-making Rules of WTO and the Improving of Administrative Decision-making in Our Country

  4. 在这样的时代背景之F,公众参与环境保护活动的热情越来越高,很多民众开始关心自己在环境行政决策问题上的参与权能否得到实现。

    Under this background , the enthusiasm of the public to participate in environmental protection activities are getting higher and higher , many people began to care about whether their right to participation in the environmental administrative decision-making on the issue can be achieved .

  5. 论行政决策内生态系统及各要素的优化效应

    The Optimization-effect of Inner Eco-system and its Elements in Administrative Decision-making

  6. 正义:我国行政决策的理性诉求

    Justice : The Rational Requirement of Administrative Decisions in Our Country

  7. 科学化:行政决策的必然选择

    Making policy scientifically : the inevitable option of administrative decisions

  8. 论中国行政决策机制的改革和完善

    On the Reform and Perfection of Mechanism of Policy Making

  9. 行政决策体制及其参与主体的研究探析

    Research on Administrative Decision - making System and its Subjects

  10. 行政决策的内涵随着时代的发展而不断发展。

    The meaning of executive decision develops with time constantly .

  11. 论科学发展观对环境行政决策的影响及因应对策

    Influence of Scientific Development Concept on Environment Administrative Decision-making and the Countermeasures

  12. 关于完善城市规划行政决策体制的思考

    Reflecting on the Perfect City Planning Administrative Policy Decision System of Thinking

  13. 政府为此应进行相应的行政决策调整。

    The government should take corresponding adjustment in administrative policy .

  14. 当前我国行政决策的问题及改革思路

    Problems of Executive Decision and the Reform of Our Country

  15. 行政决策的失误往往是最大的失误。

    Administrative mistakes in decision-making is often the biggest mistake .

  16. 唐代中央行政决策机制研究

    To Study the Central Committee of Administration Policy-making Mechanism in Tang Dynasty

  17. 对立法机关而言,行政决策的立法还远没有提上议事日程。

    Administration law-making organization did not arrange the agenda of lawmaking yet .

  18. 政府机构在行政决策中如何看待科学,为什么这样?

    How do agencies treat science in making administrative decisions and why ?

  19. 本文认为程序法制是行政决策法制化的关键。

    Procedures for rule of law are the key to administrative decision-making .

  20. 行政决策责任追究机制的优化与行政效能提升研究

    Research on Accountability for Administrative Decision-making Mechanisms to Optimize and Enhance Administrative Efficiency

  21. 电子政务对行政决策的影响

    The Effect of E - government to Executive Decision

  22. 知识经济的发展,要求建立行政决策回应机制。

    The economy of knowledge develop requirement establishment administrative decision return should mechanism .

  23. 我国行政决策体制完善之我见

    On completing China 's administrative decision - making system

  24. 行政决策过程中公共利益偏离问题研究

    The Research of Deviating from Public Benefits in the Course of Administrative Decision

  25. 对电子政府下行政决策问题的理性思考

    Thoughts on the Decision - making under Electronic Administration

  26. 探析公共行政决策失误的根源与防范对策

    An Analysis of Causes for errors in Decision-making in Public Administration and Countermeasures

  27. 行政决策效率机制探析

    An Analysis on the Efficiency Mechanism of Administrative Decision

  28. 行政决策权力体制的效率分析

    An analysis on the efficiency of the power system of the administrative decision

  29. 行政决策的优化是实现科学、高效行政管理的重要前提。

    Its improvement is a critical factor to attain scientific and effective administration .

  30. 绵羊非常聪明,甚至可以做出行政决策。

    Sheep are so smart that they could make " executive decisions " .