
  • 网络specifically authorized
  1. PMI特权管理基础设施,作为一个基础设施能够系统地建立起对经PKI认可用户的特定授权,从而弥补了PKI在这方面的不足。

    PMI , Privilege Management Infrastructure , as an infrastructure , can build an authorization environment in system .

  2. PMI是一个新的信息保护基础设施,能够与PKI和目录服务紧密集成。PMI作为一个基础设施,能够系统地建立起对合法用户的特定授权。

    PMI is a new infrastructure of protected information based on PKI , can integrate compactly with PKI and LDAP and can establish systemically special authorization of legitimate users . names of people and places ;

  3. 注意:当您对一个特定端口授权一个以上IP地址范围时,ZendFramework的一个最新修复的bug将返回一组列表。

    Note : A recently fixed bug in the Zend Framework returns an array of listings when more than one address range is authorized for a particular port .

  4. 如果应用程序用户需要拥有特定的授权,那么还应该描述DB2GRANT。

    DB2 GRANT also should be described if the application user needs to have specific authorizations .

  5. 一些HTTP代理服务器也许会限制端口或者只允许特定的被授权的服务器来访问。

    Some HTTP proxy servers may restrict ports or allow access only to specific , authorized servers .

  6. 在评估策略之后,特定的义务与授权决策一起发送给pep。

    After a policy has been evaluated , specific obligations are sent to the PEP along with the authorization decision .

  7. 对系统特定文件的未授权改变是对系统进行攻击和危害活动的表现之一。

    The unauthorized alteration of certain system files is one of the symptoms of an active attack , or compromise upon a system .