- 网络contractual obligation

The right of claims in civil law is mainly based on obligation . Contractual obligation is the most common and the most important kind .
Study on the Distribution of the Burden of Proof in Contractual Obligation
" The rule of the closest relations " is an important conflict law to affirming criterion law .
The Comparative Research of Law Application of Contract Relating to Foreign Factors
COMPANY Corporation A Preliminary Research into the Responsibilities of Previously Concluded Contract Obligations
Earnest is a special and important form of debt assurance in contract debt .
Criticisms on Some Rules of Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the Law Applicable to the Non-Contractual Obligations
EU has successfully unified rules by form of Regulation regarding enforcement of international civil and commercial judgments and conflict of laws rules of non-contractual obligations .
Accounting liability not only includes the obligation of the tax liability and the salary with one 's priority , but also includes the contracts obligation and tort obligation in the civil law .
In Europe , many countries have adopted the principle in domestic legislation , even the Regulation ( EC ) No864 / 2007of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations also specifies the application of the principle of common personal law .
Based on the relativity of contract , the obligation of contract mainly has internal effect on the concerned parties .
Infringement damages , insurance claims , is based on the insurance contract is a contractual obligation .