
  • 网络contract review
  1. 行政合同审查的法律依据是多元化的,不仅包括公法,同时还包括私法的一些原则和制度。

    The legal basis for administrative contract review is diversified , not only including public law , but also some of the principles and system of private law .

  2. 美国、欧盟、墨西哥指控中国对出口进行数量限制,对出口征收额外出口税,设定最低出口价格体系和合同审查制度、没有按规则公布特定条件和措施。

    The US , EU and Mexico accused China of using quantitative restrictions on exports , export levies , minimum export pricing system and contract review systems . As required by WTO rules China failed to publicise its specific export requirements and measures .

  3. 建立了合同审查结构,其中包括采购与合同司以及合同审查委员会。

    And a contracts review structure that includes a procurement and contracts division and a contracts review committee .

  4. 这里有丢了工作的律师“迈进”这一行,成为一名自动化合同审查的专业监督者;

    Here is the redundant lawyer who " stepped in " to become an expert overseer of automated contract reviews ;

  5. 林业投资所面临的风险主要有自然风险、社会风险、政策风险,针对于此,从国家相关政策法律、强化风险意识、合同审查等方面提出了不同的林业投资风险防范建议。

    The risks of forestry investment are natural , social , political one . And based on them , it put forward some suggestions for risk prevention from the aspects of national policies and laws , risk awareness , contract examination , etc.

  6. 声明表示,所有在建的塑胶跑道都将暂停,有关部门要对招标过程及相关修建合同进行审查,确保质量的情况下才可继续施工。

    Construction of all synthetic racetracks are to be suspended until the bidding process and the contracts for the construction had been reviewed by authorities to ensure their quality , it said .

  7. 第二章讨论了行政合同的审查对象及法律依据。

    The second chapter discusses the object of administrative contracts and legal basis .

  8. 建立和实施合同的审查进程,促进全面的标准合同。

    Set up and implement contract review process and promote standard contracts across the board .

  9. 最后,本文对完善我国行政合同司法审查制度提出了若干构想。

    Finally , the article to improve our administrative contract judicial review system puts forward several ideas .

  10. 同时,在司法实务中需要强调对此类婚姻合同的审查。

    At the same time , this kind of marriage contract should be reviewed in legal practice .

  11. 但是,我们将根据上诉法院的判决对我们现行的许可合同进行审查。

    However , we will be making a review of our licensing provisions in light of today 's decision .

  12. 但是,我们将根据上诉法院的判决对我们现行的许可合同进行审查。.

    However , we will be making a review of our licensing provisions i n light of today 's decision .

  13. 行政合同司法审查制度的不断完善,使行政合同规则真正起到了实际作用,从而逐步建立起了行政合同领域的基本秩序。

    Administrative contract judicial review system is ceaseless and perfect , the administrative contract rules really play a practical role , in order to establish the administrative contract in the field of basic order .

  14. 浅析政府采购合同的司法审查

    Legal Examination on Government Procurement Contract

  15. 教育部表示,所有塑胶跑道的施工将暂停,跑道的招标过程及施工合同经有关部门审查,确保施工质量后方可继续施工。

    Construction of all synthetic racetracks will be suspended until the bidding process and the contracts for construction are reviewed by authorities to ensure their quality , it said .

  16. 审查对象不仅是对行政合同合法性与合理性的审查,还是对行政合同合约性的审查。

    The object is not only a review of the legality and rationality of the administrative contract , especially a contractual review of administrative contract .

  17. 潜在客户所有者为某一特定潜在客户创建合同之后,法律部门将针对合同进行审查,然后再由用户过目。

    After a contract for a specific lead is created by the lead owner , it would be reviewed by the legal department , and then by the customer .

  18. 房屋租赁登记备案制度是国家为了管理租赁市场而规定的要求房屋租赁当事人将房屋租赁合同向房产管理部门登记备案,由房管部门对租赁合同进行审查的制度。

    House tenancy register records system is built for managing the rental market , which regulates house lease parties have the responsibility to rent rental contract to house property management authority to review .

  19. 文章阐述了合同管理在现代企业经营管理活动中的重要作用,并提出了建立完善的合同管理体系、审查制度、监督检查制度的具体办法。

    The paper expounds important role of contract management in modern enterprise , and it points out concrete methods of establishing perfect contract management , audit system and supervision system .