
hé tonɡ ɡōnɡ zhènɡ
  • notarization of contract
  1. 建立保理合同公证制度。

    Third , establishing the notarization system of factoring contract .

  2. 完全隐名股东可选择信托合同公证的方式最大程度保护自己的合法权益。

    For the Completely hidden shareholders , they can choose to notarize the trust contract to protect their legitimate rights and interests to the maximum extent .

  3. 在德国,按法律规定,买卖合同必须公证。

    According to the German law every buying and selling contract must be notarized .

  4. 笔者认为一般债权的设质必须以书面方式确定,即当事人必须签订书面质押合同;公证方式应为一般债权设质最合理的公示手段。

    The writer believe the set of general creditors right should be defined in written form , in other words , the parties should sign a written pledge contract .

  5. 这个合同需要进行公证。

    This contract needs to be notarized .

  6. 最后,从身份审核、数据保全、合同监管以及公证计划等四方面对网络信用建设的措施进行了探讨。

    Finally , it carries on the discussion facing the network credit construction measures from status verification , data preserved , contract supervising and managing , notarization plan and so on .

  7. 同时揭示出该县民营林业发展中存在的十个问题:一是民营林业承包拍卖、程序不规范;二是合同、司法公证、发证规范程度不够:三是活立木市场难形成;

    Reveal ten questions existing in the privately owned forestry 's development of this county at the same time : First , the privately owned forestry contracts and auctions , the procedure is unstandard ;

  8. 具有救灾、扶贫等社会公益、道德义务性质的赠与合同或者经过公证的赠与合同,不适用前款规定。

    The previous paragraph does not apply to any gift contract the nature of which serves public interests or fulfills a moral obligation , such as disaster relief , poverty relief , etc. , or any gift contract which has been notarized .

  9. 浅谈对合同签订时间的公证&兼议公证证明的基本法理

    Informal Discussion on the Notarization of the Time for Signing a Contract