
  1. 任意性规范对合同漏洞的补充功能毕竟是有限的。

    Constructive norms ' functions to the complement of the leaks of contracts are limited .

  2. 合同漏洞法理研究

    Study of Legal Theory on Contract Flaw

  3. 合同漏洞会引发当事人履行困难,在当事人之间产生争议。

    Such gaps will lead to difficulties in the contract performance , and subsequent disputes between parties concerned .

  4. 对于诉至法院的由合同漏洞所引发的合同纠纷,法官必须运用相应的填补规则加以填补,才能有效解决纠纷。

    As to contracts with gaps , the judge must apply correspondent rules to fill gaps in order to effectively resolve disputes .

  5. 英美法系和大陆法系各有解决这一难题的机制:默示条款制度和合同漏洞补充制度。

    Both Common Law System and Continental Law System have a mechanism to solve this problem : implied terms and remedy of contract flaw .

  6. 本文以比较法的研究方法,比较了大陆法系的合同漏洞填补方法与英美法系以默示条款填补合同漏洞的区别与联系。

    The paper introduces the difference of methods for filling gaps in contract between civil law system and common law system in comparative law terms .

  7. 除此之外,产生合同漏洞的原因还有语言文字的模糊性,交易成本的影响以及当事人的故意疏漏。

    In addition , the reasons for gaps in the contract include the ambiguity of language , the impact of transaction costs and deliberate omissions of the parties .

  8. 根据合同漏洞形成的原因,可以大体上将默认规则分为两类:多数的默认规则和惩罚性默认规则。

    According to the reasons of the incomplete contract , default rules can generally be divided into two categories : the majority rules and the penalty default rule .

  9. 然而,人类的理性是有限的,并且随着社会经济的发展,这种理性的有限性愈加明显,这就从根本上决定了合同漏洞存在的必然性。

    Human reason is limited , and with the social and economic development , such limitations become more obvious , which fundamentally determines the existence of contract gaps .

  10. 合同漏洞补充的规则有合意补充、交易习惯补充、任意性法律规范补充和合同解释补充。

    The rules for remedy of contract flaws include remedy by agreement of the parties , remedy with transaction practices , remedy with indefinite law provisions and remedy by explanation of contract .

  11. 质量条款&经济合同中的漏洞

    Quality Items , Black Hole in Economic Contracts

  12. 同时通过招标文件的完善,力争从源头上完善合同文件的漏洞,以期为工程项目施工过程中的合同管理提供依据。

    And through the development of the bidding documents , it can complete contract documents from the source and provide the basis to contract management in the construction period .

  13. 尚恩:如果你像我这样非常仔细地浏览这份文件,你会发现对方存在随时可将合同终止的漏洞。

    Sean : If you had gone through this document with a fine-tooth comb as I have , you would have noticed that there are loopholes for the other side to end the contract at any time .

  14. 本文拟以此为出发点,联系大陆法系的合同解释(漏洞补充)方法,探析英美法默示条款制度有关法律问题,以资完善我国合同法上合同解释制度之借鉴。

    The paper relates the methods to explain contract in Continental Law System to legal system of terms on tacit approval in Common Law System , and studies some issues about it in order to perfect the contact-explaining system in China .

  15. 论合同的解释及漏洞补充

    On interpretation of terms of contract and supplying the omitted terms

  16. 我合同里有个漏洞

    There 's a loophole in my contract ,

  17. 由于法官不能为当事人直接订立合同,那么填补合同漏洞也应当体现当事人意思的要素。

    Because the judge should not conclude the contract for the parties directly , then filling the gap of the contract should also reflect the will of parties .

  18. 为了弥补当事人意思表示不足,以确定合同双方的权利与义务,必须对合同漏洞予以填补。

    In order to cover the defect declaration of the will of the parties and define the contractual rights and obligations of the two parties , the flaws of contracts must be supplemented .

  19. 非典型合同,则主要以补充性合同解释填补合同漏洞。

    To fill gaps in atypical contracts , the method of filling gaps by supplementary contract interpretation is favorable .

  20. 默示条款法律制度,虽为英美法系所特有,但究其实质,乃一种合同解释的有效路径,更确切地说,是一种合同漏洞的补充方法。

    Legal system of terms on tacit approval is one of the characteristics for Common Law System , it is an effective way to explain contract in essence , in details , it is a method to reinforce contract .

  21. 合同默示条款制度为英美法系所确立,其目的在于体现当事人订立合同时的真实意思表示,以补充合同漏洞。

    Implied terms system was established in American and British laws , with the purpose of showing the true meaning of the contract makers and making up the shortcoming of contracts .