
  • 网络Contract changes
  1. 其中对该制度完善主要包括订立条件的完善,无固定期限劳动合同变更与解除制度的完善。

    Improve the system which included the improvement of conditions , no fixed term labor contract changes to improve the discharge system .

  2. 介绍了工程变更(即合同变更)的概念、分类,阐述了其变更的审批原则及程序,提出了变更单价的确定方法,以正确处理好工程变更问题,避免引起索赔和合同争端。

    The conception and classification of project changes ( contract changes ) are introduced as well as related endorsement principles and process ; at the same time the method is proposed to determine unit price to correctly deal with the change problems and avoid claim and disputes .

  3. 水电工程土建合同变更索赔的风险分析及对策

    Changes and Risks for Claims in Contracts for Hydro Civil Works

  4. 合同变更后费用控制和风险管理的重要性

    Importance of cost control and risk management after contract alteration

  5. 由合同变更引起的索赔;

    Claims arising from the change of the contract ;

  6. 工程管理中存在着大量的合同变更和多种因素引起的工程施工索赔。

    Lots of construction claiming in construction management are caused by many factors .

  7. 合同变更和解除的自由;

    The freedom of altering or terminating the contract ;

  8. 控制合同变更,减少索赔费用;

    Control contract changing , reduce claim expense ;

  9. 但这两部法律对劳动合同变更规定得都比较原则。

    But two laws are principled on the items of alterations in labor contract .

  10. 海上货物运输合同变更与解除研究

    Re sea rch on Contract Modification and Termination in Carriage of Goods by Sea

  11. 因合同变更、索赔、奖励等形成的收入。

    Revenue incurred by alterations in contract , claims for compensation and incentive payments .

  12. 第七十八条当事人对合同变更的内容约定不明确的,推定未变更。

    If the modification is uncertain made by the parties , it should be presumed unmodified .

  13. 员工安置和合同变更续签;

    Employee settle and the contract ;

  14. 劳动合同变更内容,可由劳动合同双方商定。

    The content of the changes in the contract may be decided by both parties of the contract .

  15. 公路工程项目实施过程中,工程变更是合同变更的表现形式。

    During the implement of highway engineering items , the engineering modification is the main style of contract modification .

  16. 而且由于合同变更与合同转让,给第三人的权利义务也产生了重大影响。

    Meanwhile the change and transfer of the contract will also have big effect on the third person 's right and obligation .

  17. 判断主合同变更对保证责任的影响的关键在于区分变更和更改两个概念。

    The crux of judging the effects of contract alteration on guaranty duty lies in the distinction between contract alteration and contract renew .

  18. 这样就增加了保险合同变更的灵活性和投保人、被保险人自由性。

    It is free to increase the flexibility , insured , the assured of modification of the contract of insurance in this way .

  19. 工程变更也就是合同变更,是指对合同中的工作内容作出修改,或者追加或取消某一项工作。

    The engineering modification is also the contract modification , which means that some modification , superaddition or canceling is done in content of contract .

  20. 第六部分对完善我国海上货物运输合同变更制度的意义做出了简单阐述,并提出了自己的建议。

    The sixth part sets out the meaning of improving our system of changing contract of carriage of goods by sea and gives some suggestions .

  21. 通过对案例合同变更的分析提出了影响隧道工程合同控制主要相关因素:设计阶段预测的地质环境与实际施工中遇到的地质环境的差异。

    By research of cases we find the important fact to affect tunnel engineering contract control is the difference of ground conditions between design and construction .

  22. 保留“竣工”记录,记录下所有合同变更和变动以及变动通知,并协助解决这些变动和变更。

    Maintaining " as built " record , recording all contractual variations and changes and order and assisting in the settlement of such changes and variations .

  23. 针对设备维护外包业务执行过程中,合同变更导致绩效发生变化的情况,提出应用层次分析法对合同变更前后的绩效状态进行评估。

    Based on the fact that events in real world cause the geographical feature changes , the paper starts with the aspects of the feature and the event .

  24. 用户可自定义异动的明细类型。可包括异动申请、审批、工作交接及劳动合同变更或解除等。

    Users can customize the types of the changes in detail , ranging from changes application , examination and approval , work handover to labor contract alteration and termination .

  25. 承发包双方在合同变更中的机会主义和信息的非对称性,产生了敲竹杠和投资过小现象以及隐藏信息的道德风险问题。

    The opportunism and asymmetric of information , gives birth to hold up , low-investment and moral hazard with hidden information between owner and contractor in the contract variation .

  26. 理论界对劳动合同变更颇有争议,争议的焦点集中在用人单位是否具有单方变更权、单方变更权限方面。

    There are disputes on the alterations in theory and practice , the dispute focused on whether the employers have the right to unilaterally change , unilaterally change fields .

  27. 针对合同变更引入的业主指令应发送至承包商,并包括变更的详细描述及其执行日期。

    The instruction of the customer on introduction of changes in the contract shall be sent to the contractor and contain precise description of the changes and their execution due date .

  28. 合同变更在项目建设中是司空见惯的,合同变更后如果管理不善,将不利于成本的降低和绩效的提高。

    Contract alteration is a matter of common occurrence in project construction . After the contract is varied , it will not be favorable to cost reduction and results improvement in case of poor management .

  29. 业主通过向承包商发布相关指令来发起合同变更引入,或向承包商发送请求,就变更引入呈递一份提案。

    The customer initiates introduction of changes to the contract by issuing a relevant instruction to the contractor , or by sending a request to the contractor to submit a proposal for introduction of changes .

  30. 其中,对缔约过失责任的独立性、责任承担方式、赔偿范围和合同变更、解除、有效情况下的缔约过失责任提出了自己看法;

    Meanwhile , I put forward my position in the independence , way of commitment , scope of compensation and of treaty-making errors responsibility as well as it in the change , dissolution and validness of contract .