
hé tonɡ zhài wù
  • contractual obligation
  1. 一个人无须对他在未成年时期的合同债务承担责任。

    A person is not liable for debts contracted during his minority .

  2. 限制使用武力以索偿合同债务公约

    Convention respecting the Limitation of the Employment of Force for the Recovery of Contract Debts

  3. 它只是偿还的另一种形式,因债务人无法偿还合同债务。

    It is merely an alternative form of repayment by the debtor for the debt he contracted .

  4. 本文针对管理层以企业的资产或产权为抵押向金融机构债务融资方式的缺陷,提出了企业家价值保险合同抵押贷款债务融资方式,为有效解决MBO融资问题提供了新的思路。

    The paper studies the financing way of MBO in State-owned enterprises of China and firstly puts forward the " mortgage loan of the value of entrepreneur insurance contract " financing way , which provide an new way to solve the financing problem of MBO in Chinese state-owned enterprises .

  5. 担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。

    A security contract shall be a subordinate one to the principal contract .

  6. 清偿是合同终止、债权债务关系消灭的法定原因。

    Discharge has the legal effect of terminating contract and debtor - creditor relationship .

  7. 滥用公司法人格的行为包括利用公司规避法律,逃避合同义务和其他债务以及公司形骸化,中国公司法人格否认制度尚未真正建立。

    In China , the system of company 's personality deny has not been really set up yet .

  8. 签字者的投资和本组织未付清的合同上的资金债务的总额不得超过一最高限额。

    The sum of the net capital contributions of Signatories and of the outstanding contractual capital commitments of the Organization shall be subject to a ceiling .

  9. 买方无须通知或提出要求,即可选择令担保人在本合同项下的债务成为到期的、应付的及可强制执行的债务,无论该债务彼时是否已经实际到期且应付。

    Then , at buyers election , without notice or demand , the obligations of guarantor created hereunder shall become due , payable and enforceable against Guarantor whether or not the obligations are then due and payable .

  10. 在合同法上,损害赔偿是由合同债务未得到履行或未完全履行而产生的法律责任。

    According to contract law , compensatory damages is a kind of liability which is resulted from non-performance and / or improper performance .

  11. 保证是以保证人的一般财产而设定的、用一个合同去担保另一个合同(主债务)的履行之担保方式,有一定的独立性。

    The suretyship is a form of guaranty , in which the performance of a contract ( principal obligation ) is guaranted by entering into a suretyship contract on the surety 's general property .

  12. 具体到抵押合同来说,它作为一种担保主合同债务履行的从合同,同时也是现代社会的重要融资手段,它的制度设计与我们现在的社会主义市场经济建设是息息相关的。

    As to the mortgage contract , which acts as the guarantee to fulfill the primary contract , it is attached to the primary contract . It is also one important kind of expenses measures . Its system is being closely linked against our building of socialism market economy .

  13. 但成立的公司可以通过与第三人签订一个新的合同来取得和承担该公司成立前合同的债权债务,从而使发起人解除原合同责任。

    But the formed corporation can acquire and commit the liability incurred by pre-corporation contract through signing a new contract with the third party , so that the promoter can release the liability of the former contract .

  14. 旅游合同违约责任是指旅游合同当事人一方不履行合同债务,或其履行不符合合同规定时,对另一方当事人所应承担的民事责任或法律后果。

    Liability of breaking a tourism contract means that tourism contract is the responsibility of the contract breach of contract a party is non-compliance with contractual obligations , or their discharge nonconforming , the other party should assume civil liability or legal consequences .

  15. 先公司合同(Pre-incorporationContract)的签订是市场经济环境中的普遍现象,而先公司合同债务的承担关系到交易的稳定与安全,并影响各个主体之间风险与利益的分配。

    Signing a pre-incorporation contract is a common phenomenon in the market economy context , while the commitment of liabilities incurred by the pre-incorporation contract has a relationship with that deal 's stability and security , and simultaneously influences the assignment of risks and benefits among relevant interest entities .