
  • 网络contract fraud
  1. 浅论合同欺诈的认定及其防范

    Brief Discussion of the Authentication and Prevention of the Contract Fraud

  2. 最常见问题:串通投标和合同欺诈

    Most Common Problems : Collusion , Contract Fraud

  3. 论国际贸易买卖合同欺诈

    Study on International Trade Sales Contract Frauds

  4. 对于实务中国际货物贸易买卖合同欺诈的防范具有很好的指导意义和参考价值。

    For the practice of international trade in goods sales contract fraud prevention has a good guide and reference value .

  5. 欺诈的救济措施,在主体设计、补救措施和赔偿责任上均有区别于传统合同欺诈的制度设计。

    The remedies of fraud are different from traditional contract law on scope of the parties , remedial measures and compensation for losses .

  6. 所以,法院最终认定装修公司合同欺诈的理由不成立,驳回了许先生的诉讼请求。

    So , the court is maintained finally decorate the reason with company con contract not to hold water , rejected the litigant request that makes a gentleman .

  7. 作为目前司法实践中的常见罪名,由于与合同欺诈行为存在大量不易区分之处,与其他欺诈性犯罪存在相互交叉,因而在司法实践中产生了一些分歧与困惑。

    Because this crime is easily confused will common contractual fraud activities and has many similarities with other fraud crimes , there are arguments and divaricators in judicial practice .

  8. 本文分析了国际货物贸易买卖合同欺诈的概念和特征,续而对其进行了深入的法律分析和经济分析。

    This paper analyzes the contract for the sale of international trade in goods and characteristics of the concept of fraud , the renewal of its in-depth legal analysis and economic analysis .

  9. 第三,通过对案例所涉及的有关合同欺诈行为、合同诈骗罪及诈骗罪的相关理论研究,分清合同诈骗罪与合同欺诈行为及诈骗罪的区别。

    Third , through the case involved the contract fraud crime of contract fraud crime of fraud , and the relevant theoretical research , to distinguish between the crime of contract fraud and contract fraud and crime of fraud difference .

  10. 论合同民事欺诈与合同诈骗犯罪的界限

    On Contract swindling and Civil Dispute of Contract

  11. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈及其对策

    International Trade Contract Subject Fraud and Countermeasures

  12. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈的对策主要有资信调查和主体法律性质的审查。

    Countermeasures of international trade contract subject fraud mainly are : investigation of credentials and inspection of law subject nature .

  13. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈形式主要有虚构合同主体欺诈形式、变更合同主体欺诈形式、有限责任欺诈形式。

    The main forms of international trade contract subject fraud are : fabricating contract subject fraud , changing contract subject fraud and restricting responsibility fraud .

  14. 信用证欺诈是FOB贸易合同中海运欺诈的又一重要形式。

    The fraud of letter of credit is one of the forms of maritime transportation under FOB .

  15. 消费信贷中的合同诈骗与欺诈

    Contract Cheat and Fraudulence in Consumption Credit

  16. 其次,讨论了电子合同中未成年人欺诈订约的问题。

    Secondly , the author discussed the fraudulence of making an E-contract by minors .

  17. 现代经济是信用经济,但我国经济领域却长期存在着比较严重的失信现象,社会各个领域的信用缺失现象十分普遍,假冒伪劣产品充斥市场,合同违约、商业欺诈随处可见;

    Modern economy is credit economy , but breaking credit is a quite serious problem which have been in existence in our economy for a long time .

  18. 公路行业中最为常见的不当行为包括投标公司就某一项目所进行的串通投标以及执行由此所获得合同过程中的欺诈和腐败。

    The most common forms of wrongdoing in the roads sector are collusion among firms bidding on a project and fraud and corruption in the execution of the resulting contract .

  19. 但应当注意,转让人在转让过程中,不得有欺瞒行为;否则,转让合同可能因为存在欺诈而有效力瑕疵&或者被撤销,或者直接无效。

    However , it should be noted that the transferor should not defraud in the transfer process , otherwise the contract may be revoked or invalid because of the fraudulence .

  20. 由于本文旨在通过合同诈骗罪与合同欺诈的比较,正确认定合同诈骗罪。

    This paper aims to explain and identify contract fraud crime and contract fraud .

  21. 首先,从理论上对合同诈骗罪与合同欺诈进行了区别,二者在表现上具有相似性,但在主观方面、客观方面、行为性质、法律后果等方面存在着差异。

    First , contract fraud and fraud are compared in theory , both are similar in performance , but differences exist in the subjective and objective , the nature of the acts , the legal consequences .

  22. 合同诈骗罪与合同民事欺诈区分方法的重构及运用

    Reorganization and Application of the Approaches for Differentiating the Crime of Contractual Swindle from Merely Contractual Fraud

  23. 而且合同诈骗罪与民事合同欺诈及诈骗罪在客观行为上具有很多相同点,在区分上给司法实践人员带来很大的争议,最终影响案件性质的认定。

    But the crime of contract fraud and civil contract fraud and crime of fraud in the objective behavior have many of the same points , in distinction to the judicial practice officers of great controversy , ultimately affect the nature of the case that .

  24. 从表面上看,合同诈骗罪与民事的合同欺诈行为有许多相似之处,但它们毕竟是两种不同的违法行为,具有不同质的规定性。

    The crime of contract swindle and the act of contract fraud seem very much like , but in fact these two acts are different in nature and must not be treated in the same way .

  25. 论合同诈骗罪与合同纠纷及民事欺诈行为的界限

    On the Distinction of Contract Fraud , Contract Dispute , and Civil Fraud

  26. 合同诈骗罪与合同纠纷、民事欺诈行为在犯罪构成要件的各个方面都有不同。

    This article argues that the criminal components of contract fraud , contract dispute , and civil fraud are different .

  27. 将本应履行合同的财产挪作他用的行为是否构成合同诈骗的思考欺诈与诈骗概念之异同辨

    Embezzlement of the Contracted Property : Swindling or Not ? Differences between the Conception of Defrauding and Swindling

  28. 这种犯罪利用合同形式为掩护外衣,手段隐蔽、情况复杂,常常与合同纠纷、民事欺诈交织在一起。

    This kind of crime by using " form of contract " is a cover coat , covert means , the case is complex , often with a contract dispute , civil fraud intertwined .

  29. 第二章,详细讨论我国二手车交易合同问题,具体包括:二手车交易的合同示范文本、合同的效力、现实中存在的合同欺诈行为。

    Specific include . The second-hand vehicle transaction contract text of demonstrative . The effectiveness of the contract , and the contract fraud .

  30. 合同诈骗罪是一种以合同为掩护、手段隐蔽的诈骗犯罪,但是它与一般民事合同欺诈的边界常常模糊不清。

    The crime of contractual fraud which is a kind of swindling crime featuring contract shield and secret means is not very different from the civil contract fraud .