
  • 网络Contract Creditor's Rights
  1. 论合同债权的侵权法保护

    On the Tort Law Protection of Contract Creditor 's Rights

  2. 合同债权保全制度在商业银行贷款清收中的运用

    Exertion of contract creditor 's rights preserve system in commercia banking loan clearance

  3. 浅析合同债权实现的保障方式

    On the guarantee methods for the realization of contractual claims

  4. 主要探讨了以下问题:第一,合同债权质押协议。

    The first question is about the contract of pledge of obligatory right .

  5. 合同债权转让中的法律风险与防范

    Legal Risks and Relevant Precautions in the Transfer of Creditor 's Rights of Contract

  6. 情势变更原则是现代民法合同债权制度中的重要内容。

    The changed circumstances is an important content of the contract debt system for the modern civil law .

  7. 第四部分初步提出了我国第三人故意侵害合同债权制度的条文设计和立法理由,并指出了第三人故意侵害合同债权制度的适用范围和免责条件。

    The fourth part proposed the article design and the legislation reason of our country 's tort law protection of contract creditor 's rights .

  8. 从本质上来质押权的功能预示着应收账款合同债权有其被转让的法律可能。

    In essence of the right to pledge the accounts receivable function indicates that the contract claims are likely to be the legal transfer .

  9. 肯定无权处分合同债权性效力在维护善意第三人利益基础上兼顾了权利人的利益。

    Recognizing of the effect of obligation can protect not only the interest of the third party but also the interest of the obligee .

  10. 合同债权的转让是我国合同转让制度中新的规定,已为统一的《合同法》所确立。

    The contract creditor 's rights transfer is a new stipulation in the contract transfer system , and has been established in the unified Contract Law .

  11. 预期违约制度起着保障合同债权、维护交易秩序的作用,是合同法中极其重要的制度。

    The anticipatory breach system is playing assure contract rights , keep transaction order role , which is extremely important system in the law of contract .

  12. 后者是指作为准物权的水权效力优先于水合同债权以及其他涉水债权。

    The outer priority of the water-right means its force comes first before the water-debt right and other debt right has something to do with the water .

  13. 其虽为债权人行使撤销权提供了法律上的依据,但仅仅适用于合同债权的保全。

    Although it provides the legal basis for the creditor to exercise its right of rescission , it is only applicable in the preservation of debts arising from contracts .

  14. 它说,当美国国会通过“航空公司放松管制法”,它没有打算“免疫航空业从普通法的合同债权的责任。”

    It said that when Congress passed the Airline Deregulation Act , it did not intend to " immunize the airline industry from liability for common law contract claims . "

  15. 在我国破产立法沿革中,人身损害赔偿债权的受偿顺位未曾改变过,一直与合同债权作为普通债权最后清偿。

    In the bankruptcy legislation evolution of China , the sequence of compensation for personal injury claims have never been changed , which have been finally pay off as Ordinary claims with Contract claims .

  16. 该部分基于对最高额抵押权特征的分析,对我国《担保法》第61条禁止主合同债权转让的规定进行了检讨,指出该条规定的不合理性。

    By analyzing to maximum amount mortgage in this part , and examining provisions of the sixty-first forbid primary contract creditor 's right assignment in our countries " law relating to guarantees ", pointing out unreason of this provision .

  17. 本部分认为,房屋租赁契约生效后、房屋交付前承租人所享有的权利是合同债权,而真正的房屋租赁权是指房屋交付后承租人所享有的权利。

    It is thought that after the lease contract takes effect , the rights enjoyed by the lessee are contract creditors before the house is delivered . The real housing leasehold refers to the rights enjoyed by the lessee before the house is delivered .

  18. 从比较法上的考察,大多数大陆法系国家与英美法系国家以及国际公约都肯定无权处分合同债权性效力,这是世界立法的发展趋势。

    By means of the method of comparison , the author argues that most of countries of Continental Law System and Anglo-American Legal System stipulate the contract of Unauthorized Disposition as valid contract , so do the international treaties , and it is the tendency of the world legislation .

  19. 处分权不应影响买卖合同的债权效力。

    The right of disposal should not affect the effect of the obligation .

  20. 证券是一个分享利润的合同的债权凭证或权益证明。

    A security is the evidence of indebtedness or certificate of interest in a profit sharing contract .

  21. 同时,应当区分产生被让与债权的合同、债权让与的原因合同、债权让与合同、债权让与等几个概念的不同内涵。

    Contract that creates the credit , cause of credit-assignment , contract of credit-assignment , assignment of credit , are several different concept .

  22. 在债权让与制度长期的历史演变过程中,各主要国家都形成了各具特色的债权让与法律模式,但当前普遍以债权让与合同作为债权变动标准的作法并不可取。

    As the result of long historical changing process of system of assignment of obligatory rights , There have been respectively characteristic legal modes of assignment of obligatory rights in many representative countries .

  23. 结合作者在电镀和法律两个领域的工作经验,提示电镀企业运作中的重要法律问题,如合同、债权、商业秘密等,并列举了电镀加工合同参考文本作为附录。

    Key points of law about contract , financial claim and business secret were consulted for electroplating enterprises by author with his work experience in electroplating and law areas . Contract of electroplating processing was listed as appendix .

  24. 确定债权让与的法律模式,实质就是确定债权让与合同与债权让与通知各自的性质和地位,明确它们在债权让与中发挥的作用。

    In essence the choice of legal mode of obligatory rights assignment is to define the characteristics and function of contract and notification of obligatory assignment , and also define the role they play in the activities of obligatory assignment .

  25. 一种是民事性质的债权转让,涉及的法律问题有债权转让中三方当事人的权利义务关系,基础合同与债权转让效力的关系,瑕疵担保责任的承担。

    One is a civil claim transfer of the legal issues involved in the transfer of the three parties claim the rights and duties , assignment of claims based on contracts and the effectiveness of the relationship between the warranty accountability .

  26. 提出不良贷款证券化、不良资产出售、签订资产管理合同、债权转股权等方式是农村信用社应借鉴的不良贷款处置方式。

    We can proposed the securitization of bad loans and the selling of bad loans , making the contract entered into asset management , debt to equity , etc. It is the way the rural credit cooperatives should draw on the disposal of bad loans .

  27. 担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。

    A security contract shall be a subordinate one to the principal contract .

  28. 清偿是合同终止、债权债务关系消灭的法定原因。

    Discharge has the legal effect of terminating contract and debtor - creditor relationship .

  29. 诱使他人违约,侵害了合同债权人的债权,严重影响了交易安全,有必要从我国现行立法现状出发,借鉴外国立法经验,对诱使他人违约予以规制。

    Tempting a person into a breach of contract infringes creditor 's rights of contract and seriously impacts safety of transaction , so it is necessary to start from the current situation of legislation and regulate the act through using foreign experience of legislation as reference .

  30. 和解合同不必定为债权合同,而是有可能为物权合同或准物权合同;

    A compromise contract is not necessarily a creditor 's contract and may be a real contract .