
hé tonɡ zé rèn
  • contractual liability
  1. 产品责任是因产品存在内在缺陷造成他人人身、财产损害引起的赔偿责任,它不是合同责任也不等同于产品质量责任,属于侵权责任。

    Product liability is neither contractual liability nor responsibilities for product quality .

  2. 关于合同责任系统的探讨

    A Study on Contractual Liability System

  3. 为了适应发展市场经济和加入WTO的要求,必须进一步完善我国产品责任损害赔偿制度。如产品合同责任损害赔偿应包括人身伤害赔偿;

    In order to adapt to the development of market economy and the demands for the entry of WTO , China should further perfect her indemnification system of product liability damage , e.g. the liability damage indemnification of product contracts ought to include the indemnification of physical injury ;

  4. 探讨了总承包(EPC)项目的运作过程和管理模式,并在此基础上重点探讨了总承包商的合同责任和主要风险,包括合同种类风险、工程范围的不确定性风险以及总承包运作过程风险等。

    In this article , authors discuss the operation process and management modules of a general contract project item , and then analyze general contractors ' contract responsibilities and main risks such as contract kind risks , uncertain project work scope risks and general contract operation process risks .

  5. 合同责任制度也不再仅保护期待利益。

    Contract responsibility system also does not only protect the expectation interests .

  6. 同时,公司成立前合同责任的主要承担者应为发起人。

    Meanwhile , promoters should take the main liability for pre-incorporation contracts .

  7. 合同责任与侵权责任竞合问题研究

    A Study of the Coincidence of Contractual and Tortious Liabilities

  8. 本文主要针对水路货物运输下合同责任问题进行分析研究。

    This article mainly analyses the contract liability under waterway transport of goods .

  9. 另一方缔约当事人对代理人负有合同责任。

    The other contracting party becomes liable to the agent on the contract .

  10. 首先是合同责任。

    The first one is contractual obligation .

  11. 合伙人按个人纳税,且以个人名义承担侵权和合同责任。

    Partners are taxed as individuals and are personally liable for torts and contractual obligations .

  12. 对于服务责任的性质,学界有三种不同的观点,即合同责任、侵权责任和责任竞合。

    There are three different viewpoints , including contract liability , tort liability and double liability .

  13. 合同责任即违反合同应承担的责任。

    Contract responsibility refers to the responsibility that one should take when he goes against the contract .

  14. 后合同责任制度研究

    Subsequent Contract Obligation System

  15. 后合同责任理论与制度的产生,是合同法从近代走向现代的重要标志。

    Rear contract responsibility theory with system produce , is contract law from modern trend modern important sign .

  16. 但采用合同责任作为解决医疗纠纷争议的方式已受到了学界高度重视。

    But adopting the contractual liability to resolve medical disputes has been accepted by academics in many countries .

  17. 合同责任的归责原则是合同责任研究中的核心问题。

    The principles of imputation of breach are the core of the study on the liability of breach .

  18. 本文试图在构建新的合同责任制度体系的基础上,对完善我国的后契约责任制度作一番探讨。

    This paper discusses about perfecting after-contract obligation on the basis of constructing a new contract obligation system .

  19. 最好的例证是积极侵害债权也被纳入合同责任制度的范畴。

    The best example is actively infringement claims , is taken into the category of the contract responsibility system .

  20. 其出现,导致了合同责任的扩大化,并与侵权责任在功能上发生重叠。

    Its appearance has led to the expansion of contractual liability , and occurs with tort liability in the function overlaps .

  21. 后契约责任制度作为一种新的合同责任制度,我国合同法对此作了简要规定。

    As a new system of contract obligation , the after-contract obligation is briefly specified in contract law of our country .

  22. 依据民法原理,民事责任包括两种,一种是合同责任,一种是侵权责任。

    According to civil law , civil liability consists of two sorts : one is contractual liability and another is tort liability .

  23. 如果工作已安排好,要提供其在美国带薪职位的相关合同责任。

    Any contractual obligations related to their acceptance of paid employment in the United States , if prior employment has been arranged .

  24. 产品质量事故的赔偿责任尽管属于侵权法范畴,但同时存在侵权责任与合同责任的竞合。

    Although the liability to pay compensation for product quality accident is liability for tort , it is also the liability for contract .

  25. 损害赔偿是合同责任中最常见的形式,也是充分保护受害人利益的一种救济方式。

    Damage compensation is the most common form in contract responsibility , and a relief way to fully protect the interests of victims .

  26. 本条例中的保险事故,是指发生保险合同责任范围内的事故。

    The event mentioned in the present Regulations refers to and event coming within the scope of cover under the contract of insurance .

  27. 在侵权责任中,包括产品责任,应普遍适用惩罚性赔偿,但在合同责任中则应有限适用。

    Punitive damages should be applied to tort law completely , including product liability , but can only be used in contract law limitedly .

  28. 撇弃了合同责任说与独立责任说,并得出结论:虚假陈述行为是一种特殊侵权行为。

    Abandoning the Contract Liability Theory and the Independent Liability Theory , a conclusion is drawn : the misrepresentation act is a special tort .

  29. 合同责任甚至疏忽责任在前资本主义时期西方工业发展初期发挥了不可磨灭的作用,此时,发展社会生产力,增强社会物质基础成为首要任务。

    Contract and fault liability have significant effects in the Pre-capitalism . At that time , the development of productivity was the prime assignment .

  30. 探讨了工程总承包项目的管理模式和运作过程,并在此基础上分析总结了总承包商的合同责任和管理体系。

    This paper discusses the management model and operation process of general contract project item and analyzes the general contractors contract responsibilities and management system .