
hé tonɡ tiáo kuǎn
  • contract terms;terms of a contract;contract clause;covenant
  1. 伦德尔市长强加了新的合同条款。

    Mayor Rendell imposed the new contract terms .

  2. HillelGlazer已经开始从一个不寻常的角度制定他的合同条款了

    Hillel Glazer has begun drawing his contract terms from an unusual source

  3. 他觉得自己是中了圈套才接受这合同条款的。

    He felt he had been trapped into accepting the terms of the contract .

  4. 合同条款有效。

    The terms of the contract subsist .

  5. 但DB模式也具有一些缺点,因此制约了其健康快速的发展,而通过对DB合同条款的激励优化可较好的解决该问题。

    But DB mode has some shortcomings , having restricted its healthy and fast development .

  6. 浅谈承包工程中FIDIC合同条款的应用

    On the FIDIC contract projects in terms of the contract application

  7. 本文对FIDIC合同条款中的价格贴现与调整进行了分析。

    This article analyzed price discount and adjustment in FIDIC contract clause .

  8. FIDIC合同条款对于施工企业来说,是一个重大的挑战。

    FIDIC is an important challenge for construction enterprises .

  9. FIDIC条款,即国际咨询工程师联合会颁布的土木工程施工合同条款。

    FIDIC article is contract article of civil engineering construction enacted by International Consultation Engineer Associated Union .

  10. 根据本合同条款,shell和承包商应进行联合检查,以确认里程碑工程和与该里程碑工程相关的变更的实际竣工情况。

    Shell and the Contractor shall then carry out a joint inspection to certify true completion of the milestone , and variations associated with that milestone , in accordance with the terms of contract .

  11. 沙赫雷斯塔尼告诉路透社(reuters),伊拉克和中国石油天然气集团已同意就1997年签署的、开采阿赫代布油田的旧合同条款进行重新协商。

    Iraq and CNPC have agreed the renegotiated terms of an old deal signed in 1997 to pump oil from the al-ahdab oilfield , Hussain Shahristani told the Reuters news agency .

  12. 根据合同条款,评级机构有权获得“评级监督”报酬,即使cdo迄今的表现非常糟糕。

    The ratings agencies are entitled to " ratings surveillance " payments under the terms of the contracts even when the CDO has performed poorly .

  13. 分析FIDIC合同条款、NEC合同条款计价支付条款的,研究建立我国的清单计价模式下的合同条件。

    Comparing with the valuation clause of FIDIC contract and NEC contract , it is studied on establishing our country 's contract terms under the new valuation mode .

  14. 日本三菱(MitsubishiCorp)等几家大型液化天然气进口企业向生产商施压,要求变更长期合同条款,减弱与油价的联系。

    Mitsubishi Corp is one of several big Japanese LNG importers applying pressure on producers to change the way long-term supply contracts are drawn up , seeking to weaken the link to oil .

  15. 本文结合国际工程使用最广泛的FIDIC合同条款研究小浪底国际工程的施工索赔问题及其解决办法。

    This essay studied the claims in the construction of Xiaolangdi international project and the resolution methods therefore by referring to the FIDIC clauses that are being broadly used in the international projects .

  16. fhsph将设立材料质量跟踪系统,专门用于hsgts,该系统将符合合同条款。

    Fhsph will establish a material quality tracking system , specific to the hsgts , that will be compliant with the terms of the contract .

  17. 他不得不修改了合同条款。

    He was forced to modify the terms of the contract .

  18. 全面理解合同条款,利用法律维护承包商权益;

    Understand contract terms , defend contractor rights and interests using law ;

  19. 国际技术贸易合同条款的风险及其防范

    Risk in International Technology Trade Contract Terms and its Prevention

  20. 他受到合同条款的约束。

    He is bound by the terms of the contract .

  21. 浅谈若干国际贸易惯例与合同条款之间关系的处理

    Interpretation of the Relationship between International Trade Customs and Terms of Contract

  22. 这些贸易术语由代表冗长合同条款的简短缩写构成。

    These trade terms consisted of short abbreviations for lengthy contract provisions .

  23. 此外,中国将不执行设置此类要求的合同条款。

    Moreover , China will not enforce provisions of contracts imposing such requirements .

  24. 中国的主管机关将不执行包含此类要求的合同条款。

    Chinese authorities would not enforce the terms of contracts containing such requirements .

  25. 你觉得我们应该同意新的合同条款吗?

    A : Do you think we should agree to the new contract ?

  26. 工程机械租赁合同条款的探讨及问题防范

    A Discussion in Contracts of the Construction Machinery Leasing

  27. 合同条款还得双方当事人同意

    Term of the contract is still to be agreed

  28. 根据他的合同条款,他有交付租金的义务。

    He has a duty under the terms of his contract to pay rent .

  29. 我校将按照所附合同条款支付酬金。

    The Institute will pay fees according to the contract of engagement enclosed herewith .

  30. 本文结合合同条款和案例分析,得出结论:工程师地位不同,其变更指令效力也有不同。

    This paper illustrates different effectiveness of Variation Instruction according to different status of engineers .