
  • 网络conclude a contract;contract formation;Contract Forming
  1. 揭示现有制度内容的设置偏重国家就业政策的实现,而忽视了协议的合同本质,缺少合同成立、生效、履行、变更、解除的相关内容。

    The analysis reveals the contents of the existing system set biased towards the realization of national employment policies , but it ignored the essence of the contract agreement , lack of contract formation , validity , performance , modification , dissolution of the relevant contents .

  2. 主要就EDI贸易合同所引发的与国际货物买卖合同有关的法律问题作一介绍,如书面形式问题、签字问题、EDI在证据法上的法律问题、合同成立问题等。

    Technical characteristic of the process of contract establishment ; This paper aims to make an analysis on some relevant legal issues brought about by EDI contracts , such as issues of written form , signature , evidentiary validity , and contract formation .

  3. 承诺生效即合同成立。

    A contract is established when the acceptance becomes effective .

  4. 同意要约,因此合同成立。

    Agree to an offer and therefore enter into a contract .

  5. 存在双方当事人、当事人达成合意是教育合同成立的要件。

    Parties and consensus are essential conditions for an education contract .

  6. 电子商务合同成立的若干法律问题探析

    The Analysis of the Law Problems in the E-commerce Contract Validation

  7. 第二十五条承诺生效时合同成立。

    Article25A contract is established when the acceptance becomes effective .

  8. 论电子商务对合同成立制度的影响

    Effects of electronic commerce on the system of the formation of contracts

  9. 论第三人代付保险费论人身保险合同成立前交付的首期保险费

    On First Delivery of Insurance Premium Before Occurring a Life Insurance Contact

  10. 合同成立后,不得调整价格。

    No price adjustment shall be allowed after conclusion of this contract .

  11. 电信合同成立的特殊法律问题探析

    An Analysis of the Law Problems Concerning the Establishment of the Telecommunication Contract

  12. 保险合同成立、生效辨析

    Analysis on Establishment and Effectiveness of the Insurance Contract

  13. 合同成立与生效之比较分析及立法完善

    The Comparison of the Establishment and Effectiveness of Contract and Its Legislative Perfection

  14. 论保险合同成立的时间&兼论保险费交付的效力

    On The Time of Drawing up of Insurance Contract

  15. 论电子合同成立的时间与地点

    Electronic Contract : Time and Location of Formation

  16. 第二部分:建设工程合同成立研究。通过招标形式订立建设工程合同,是订立建设工程合同的主要形式。

    The second part : A study on the formation of the construction contract .

  17. 论区分合同成立与合同生效的意义

    The significance of Distinguishing the Contract 's Establishment from the Contract 's Becoming Effective

  18. 第三部分是电子合同成立的时间与地点。

    Part III is a time and place that the electron contract sets up .

  19. 合同成立与生效之法律比较

    Law Comparison of Contract 's Establishment and Effectiveness

  20. 简论保险合同成立后的诚信义务

    A Brief Research on the Good Faith Obligation after the Establishment of the Insurance Contract

  21. 现存物是合同成立时就存在的货物。

    Existing goods are goods that exist at the time of formation of the contract .

  22. 电子商务合同成立与认定刍议

    Establishment and Confirmation of Electronic Commerce Contracts

  23. 施工合同成立、生效以及无效合同工程价款结算方式的辨析

    Discrimination of Construction Contract 's Establishment , Effectiveness and Price Settlement Method of Invalid Contract

  24. 试论合同成立后生效前阶段的责任形态

    On the Responsible Form after a Contract Been Entered into and before Its Becoming Effective

  25. 承诺生效时合同成立。承诺生效的地点为合同成立的地点。

    The place where the acceptance becomes effective is the place of formation of a contract .

  26. 拍卖合同成立后签订的《拍卖合同成交确认书》也存在特殊性,它对于拍卖合同并非产生成立效力,而只是证据效力。

    The auction contract confirmation , which is signed after the establishment differs from other confirmation .

  27. 第五部分说明了电子合同成立的要件和地点;

    The fifth part explains the necessary parts and place required by electronic contracts to be executed .

  28. 缔约过失责任既可以发生在合同成立前,在合同成立后生效前也有其生存的空间。

    Before the contract going into effect , the pre-contractual liability has its space to be existence .

  29. 电子合同成立的地点与时间及其法律效力研究

    Study on Electronic Contract ′ s Place and Time of Establishment and it ′ s Legal Effect

  30. 作者希望通过立法,统一暂保制度体系来完善保险合同成立程序。

    The author hopes that through legislation , unified temporary insurance system to improve insurance contract process .