
  • 网络the right to terminate a contract
  1. 合同解除权主体探析

    Analysis of the Subject with the Right to Terminate a Contract

  2. 合同解除权取得的研究可以从期待权和既得权两个层面展开。

    The study of obtaining the right to terminate a contract may start from two dimensions of expectations right and vested right .

  3. 保险合同解除权的时效与溯及力

    On the Limitation and Retrospective Effect of the Dissolution of Insurance Contract

  4. 第二章探讨了保险合同解除权的性质和立法分配原则。

    Chapter Two discusses the character and distribution of the rescinding right .

  5. 规定保险人合同解除权的除斥期间。

    To provide a scheduled period of insurers'right of rescinding insurance contracts .

  6. 国际货物买卖合同解除权立法比较研究解除限定继承权保证

    Comparative Research on Legislation of Contract Cancellation Rights in International Sale of Goods

  7. 重点探讨了合同解除权的法律属性,自权利作用发挥角度而言,合同解除权应归入形成权;

    The legal attribute of the rescission right of contract is emphatically discussed .

  8. 第二部分主要分析了保险合同解除权的类型。

    The second part of the right to rescind the type of insurance contract .

  9. 第一部分对合同解除权的一般理论加以介绍和分析。

    Part one introduces and analyzes the general theory of the rescission right of contract .

  10. 合同解除权产生的情形因约定和法定解除权的不同而不同。

    The right to cancel a contract obtained by agreement differs from that by provisions of law .

  11. 拍卖买受人的合同解除权与承租人的优先购买权&对一起拍卖合同纠纷案的分析

    The Buyer Cancellation Claim and the Tenant Priority Claim in Auction & Analyzing the Disputes in An Auction Case

  12. 因此,有必要对合同解除权的行使进行探讨研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to relieve the power to the contract to exercise conducts the discussion research .

  13. 对于合同解除权的行使方面的内容,以其行使的原则、方式、期限三方面进行论述。

    Rescission right of contract the exercise of the principle of its exercise , a period to be discussed .

  14. 另一方面则是明确合同解除权的行使要件,限制保险人不得滥用合同解除权。

    The second aspect is to define the condition to exert the rescinding right and restrict insurer from abusing such right .

  15. 第二节为该章的重点,主要论述了合同解除权的制度定位及其与合同法价值实现的关联性。

    The second section of this chapter focuses on the dissertation of the systematic orientation of the rescission right of contract .

  16. 韩国行使合同解除权以通知的方式进行,并不可撤回,具有不可分性的特征。

    Korea the exercise of the right of cancellation of contract by way of notice , irrevocably , characterized by inseparability .

  17. 对合同解除权的时间限制有二,一是除斥期间,二是催告制度。

    Right to terminate a contract time limit has two , one is a scheduled period , two is a warning system .

  18. 行使合同解除权既要满足解除合同的条件,也要履行相应的法定程序,合同解除后必然产生相应的法律后果。

    To relieve the contract there are conditions to be contended and procedures to be carried out , which can produce legal effect .

  19. 第三部分主要介绍了中英两国合同解除权行使条件的差异。自卸开底泥驳的设计与改进

    On the other side , it emphasizes the differences of nature of discharge . The design and improvement on bottom - discharge hopper barge

  20. 在大陆法系国家方面,分别介绍了法国、德国和日本对于合同解除权行使制度的一些规定。

    For Civil Law system , it presents the related laws regarding the rescission right of contracts respectively in France , Germany and Japan .

  21. 寿险保单具有财产属性,其上包含了各相关主体的权利和利益,在不同主体所享有的权益之间,难免存在一定的冲突,其中寿险合同解除权和维持利益就是一对相互冲突的权益。

    Life insurance policy has a character of property . There are some relevant rights and interests attribute to different subjects in a policy .

  22. 而保险人因投保人不履行告知义务获得合同解除权的规定就相当特殊,至少从民法的角度,在此情况下应将其规定为合同解除权还是规定为撤销权都值得讨论。

    In the view of traditional civil theory , it need further discussing that whether it should be regulated as rescinding right or rescission right .

  23. 然后对合同解除权是否构成之判定要素做了分析,具体可概括为三项,即主体要素、客体要素和时间要素。

    Secondly , this part analyzes the determinant factors for the formation of the rescission right of contract , namely the object , subject and time .

  24. 同时,对基于保险本身的特点而在保险法中特有的保险人合同解除权,本文也试图在传统民法理论的框架内结合若干英美法的基本原则进行分析。

    As for the special rescinding right , this paper try to combine traditional civil theory and some principles of the Anglo-American law system to analyze it .

  25. 合同解除权行使的法律后果是合同解除,但合同解除对合同双方还会引发很多的问题。

    The exercise of this right results in a legal consequence of dissolution of a contract , though many problems may occur to both of the parties .

  26. 取回权制度作为英美法系下保留所有权买卖中具有独立存在价值的制度,终难全盘纳入大陆法系,并与合同解除权制度契合一体。

    As an independent legal system of Anglo-American Laws , it is hard to unite discharge of contracts so as to be accepted by the system of civil law .

  27. 合同解除权的产生需要满足一定的条件,行使需要一定的解除行为,产生消灭合同的效果。

    Rescission right of contract generation need to meet certain conditions , the exercise requires a certain release behavior , resulting in the elimination of the effect of the contract .

  28. 该请求权的发生既是合同解除权的法技术机能之发挥,也反映了法律的技术限制和时代精神。

    The producing of this claim is the exertion of legal-technical function of the right of rescinding contract , and it also reflects the legal techno-restrict and its time spirits .

  29. 条约法实践中的条约退出权类似于国际习惯法的背离权与国内私法领域的合同解除权。

    The treaty exit right in the practice of treaty law is analogous to the derogation right of customary international law and the rescission right of contract in domestic private law .

  30. 在该章第一节,作者集中考察了在罗马法契约之债发展的过程中合同解除权制度的演化轨迹和特征。

    In the first section of this chapter , the author concentrates on the evolvement process and characteristics of the rescission right of contract in the development of the contractual obligation of Ancient Rome .