
  1. 论预期违约制度对合同保全制度的弥补功效

    On Remedial Effects of Anticipatory Contract-breaching System on Contract Preservation

  2. 文章重点论述了预期违约制度对合同保全制度的弥补功效。

    This paper focuses on the remedial effects of ACBS on the contract preservation practice .

  3. 合同债权保全制度在商业银行贷款清收中的运用

    Exertion of contract creditor 's rights preserve system in commercia banking loan clearance

  4. 试论合同的保全

    On the Contract Preservation

  5. 合同的保全是指为防止债务人的财产不当减少,允许合同债权人代债务人向第三人行使权利或者请求法院撤销债务人的行为无效的一种法律制度。

    Preserving of contract is a kind of law system that the obligee can replace the obligor to exercise rights on the third party or ask law court to cancel the action of the obligor in order to prevent the properties of the obligor from decreasing unsuitable .

  6. 其虽为债权人行使撤销权提供了法律上的依据,但仅仅适用于合同债权的保全。

    Although it provides the legal basis for the creditor to exercise its right of rescission , it is only applicable in the preservation of debts arising from contracts .

  7. 我国合同法把债权人的撤销权作为合同保全的手段之一,学者们对撤销之诉的原告、被告、客体、范围、消灭等问题存在争议。

    The contract law of our country regards the creditor 's right of cancellation as one of the means that the contract saves from damage .