
  • 网络Freedom of Contract;the principle of freedom of contract
  1. 合同自由原则承认,每个公司都拥有在合法的限度内决定与谁进行交易的自由。

    Freedom of contract principle recognizes that each company has a freedom to decide the transaction within the limits of the freedom of the transaction .

  2. 合同自由原则在合同法中的体现

    Embodiment of the Principle on Freedom of Contract in Contract Law

  3. 市场经济对合同自由原则的限制

    Restriction on free principle of the contract in modern market economy

  4. 合同自由原则在近代合同法中的地位及评价

    The Contract Freedom Principle : Its Position in Modern Contract Law

  5. 合同自由原则地位的再探讨

    Re-exploration of the Status of Freedom of Contract Principle

  6. 诚信原则仅对合同自由原则起限制和补充作用。

    The principle is restriction and complement to the principle of contract freedom .

  7. 合同自由原则的衰落与匡正

    On the Degeneration of the Principle of the Freedom of Contract and the Correction of it

  8. 简论合同自由原则

    On the Principle of Contract Freedom

  9. 在私法领域,特别强调合同自由原则。

    In the field of private law , we put special emphasis on the contractual freedom .

  10. 合同自由原则及《合同法》中相关规定的思考

    Thoughts on the Principle of Freedom of Contract and the Provisions about the Principle in Contract Law

  11. 合同自由原则是私法意思自治的主要内容和基本表现形式。

    The freedom of contract principle is the civil law meaning autonomous main content and the basic manifestation .

  12. 在现代私法体系下,合同自由原则是民法的基本原则之一。

    Under modern civil law regime , the principle of the freedom of contract is one of the most important basic law principles .

  13. 尽管格式条款制度限制了近代合同自由原则的彻底贯彻,但是它作为法律制度本身应蕴涵着效率、安全、公平等价值,这些价值的有效整合可以看作是对这一限制的弥补。

    Standard form contract confines the practice of contract freedom . But standard form contract contains some values of efficiency , safety and equity , these values are indispensable .

  14. 根据合同自由原则,当事人可以在合同中就违约金的数额和支付条件进行协商确定。

    According to the freedom of contract , the parties may stipulate the amount and the condition of payment of the damages for breach of the contract in a contract .

  15. 合同自由原则是对罗马法契约严守精神的突破,作为一项基本原则贯穿于《合同法》的始终。

    The principle of the contract freedom is a breakthrough of the spirit of " Strict Contract Compliance " required by the Roman law , which impenetrate the " Contract Law " as a basic principle .

  16. 合同自由原则既有促进市场经济发展的积极功能,同时也存在着不利于市场经济发展的消极作用。

    The principle of freedom of contract has the positive role in the development of market economy ; on the other hand , it has the negative role which is harmful to the development of market economy .

  17. 违约金适用的另一个重要内容是违约金数额的调整,其理论基础在于合同自由原则以及合同正义对合同自由的制约。

    The adjustment of the amounts of penalty is another important element for the penalty application , whose theoretical foundation is the principle of freedom of contract and the constraint exerted by the just right of contract on the freedom of contract .

  18. 笔者依据合同自由原则,指出协议自愿退出实为股东作为公司契约的缔结主体,行使契约解除权的结果。

    In line with the rule of contract freedom , the author holds that the voluntary exit by agreements is actually the result of a shareholder 's application of his right of termination as one part of a contract with his company .

  19. 合同自由原则包括订立合同的自由,选择合同对方的自由,决定合同内容的自由,变更和解除合同的自由,选择合同方式的自由等内容。

    One of the basic principles in Contract Law is freedom of contract which consists of signing a contract , choosing the opposing party , deciding the contents of the contract , altering or terminating the contract and choosing the forms of the contract , etc.

  20. 然而格式条款制度中涉及最重要的问题是格式条款效力的问题,即如何在合同自由的原则下,对格式条款的效力进行综合调控和界定。

    But the key point in the system of standard contract terms is the effectiveness of it & how to control and judge the effect of standard contract terms comprehensively , under the principle of contract freedom .

  21. 对行政合同中契约自由原则的探讨

    On Contract Freedom Principle in Administrative Contracts

  22. 第二部分阐述了合同自由的法律规制原则在各国实体法上的表现。

    Chapter Two analysed the embodiment of freedom of contract in the substantive law of different countries .

  23. 从本质上看,格式合同是以契约自由原则为理论基础产生而发展的,是契约自由的新生。

    In essence , standard form develops on the base of the freedom of contract and it is a rebirth of contract freedom .

  24. 债的更新不仅符合合同自由和现代效率原则,而且对于债之移转、债的担保、时效以及债的消灭等制度的完善均有重要意义。

    Novation of obligation not only conform to the principle of freedom of contract and modern efficiency , but also has great significance in consummating the following institution of civil law : transfer of obligation , guaranty of debt , prescription and termination of obligation .

  25. 该制度是合同自由和意思自治原则对保护社会弱者利益让步的产物,是国家干预经济生活在法律上的反映,表达了法律对弱势群体利益的关注和提携精神。

    The system is the principle of freedom of contract and autonomy concessions to protect the interests of the weak product of society , state intervention in economic life is the reflection in the law , the law expressed concern about the interests of disadvantaged groups and cultivate the spirit .

  26. 论我国合同法中的合同自由原则

    On the Freedom of Contract Principle in the Contract Law of our Country

  27. 合同解除制度由合同自由原则引申而来,其目的是追求一种高于契约严守的价值。

    The system of contract rescission is derived from the principle of contract freedom , whose purpose is in the pursuit of a value higher than " Strict Contract Compliance " .

  28. 在劳动合同领域同样适用合同自由原则,自由雇佣制度是有利于交易双方的,对劳动合同交易双方的自由进行干预会导致交易成本的上升,造成不必要的浪费,延缓社会财富的增长速度。

    In the field of employment contract the freedom of contract is also suitable . Employment at will benefits both sides , the intervention of freedom will lead to the ascension of the transaction coats , waste the social resources and slow the growth of the social wealth .

  29. 但关联交易主要是以合同形式出现,其受到合同自由原则的保护。

    However , affiliated transactions occurred mainly in the form of contracts , which are protected by the principle of freedom of contract .

  30. 合同自由是现代合同法的基本原则,但格式合同的广泛使用,对合同自由原则是一个很大的冲击。

    Contract liberty is the fundmental in the modern Contract Law and is charged greatly by the standard contract having been used extensively in the meantime .