
  • 网络Purpose of the contract;contract purpose
  1. 本标准包括指南和建议,既不拟用于认证、法规或合同目的,也不是iso9001的实施指南。

    This International Standard consists of guidance and recommendations and is not intended for certification , regulatory or contractual use , nor as a guide to the implementation of ISO 9001 .

  2. 因不可抗力致使不能实现合同目的;

    Force majeure frustrated the purpose of the contract ;

  3. 试论合同目的的具体适用与法律意义

    On the Substantially Application and Legal Importance of the Purpose of Contract Law

  4. 合同目的在《合同法》中具有特定的法律意义。

    The aim of contract in the Law of Contract has its special significance .

  5. 买方不但关心产品的物理质量是否符合合同目的,而且对精神利益也开始予以关注。

    The buyer not only cares about the physical quality of the goods , but also cares about moral right gradually .

  6. 当事人一方迟延履行债务或者有其他违约行为致使不能实现合同目的;

    ( iv ) the other party delayed performance or otherwise breached the contract , thereby frustrating the purpose of the contract ;

  7. 非违约解除由于是因为非当事人的原因导致的合同目的无法实现从而导致解除合同,当事人双方并无责任。

    The termination not caused by breaching the contract shall not put the liability on the parties since the termination is not caused by the fault of parties .

  8. 没有国家标准、行业标准的,按照通常标准或者符合合同目的的特定标准履行。

    Absent any state or industry standard , performance shall be in accordance with the customary standard or any particular standard consistent with the purpose of the contract ;

  9. 对于资信情况和经营情况不好的出租方,国外一方在承租厂房后可能面临着无法实现合同目的的风险,如厂房被查封,甚至被拍卖等。

    If the foreigner 's situation is bad , the tenant 's goal maybe frustrate after leasing the factory building for it 's seized , even under sale by auction .

  10. 所提供之保密信息,除合同目的及相应条款之要求,均不得以任何形式复制。

    Confidential Information provided is not to be reproduced in any form except as required to accomplish the intent of , and in accordance with the terms of , this Contract .

  11. (五)履行方式不明确的,按照有利于实现合同目的的方式履行。

    ( v ) If the method of performance was not clearly prescribed , performance shall be rendered in a manner which is conducive to realizing the purpose of the contract ;

  12. “工程师”指业主为合同目的而指定作为工程师并在本条件第二部分中仍保持这一称谓的人员。

    " Engineer " means the person appointed by the Employer to act as Engineer for the purposes of the Contract and named as such in Part II of these Conditions .

  13. 格式条款出现违反平等互惠原则、违反任意性规范、妨碍合同目的之达成等情事之一的,可认其为违反公平原则。

    The following may be stated as breach of fair principle : breach of equal and mutual-beneficial principle , breach of random provisions , and prevention from the reach of the object of a contract .

  14. 股权转让过程中,因出让方处于信息上的优势地位,其对股权和公司信息的隐瞒,会直接影响着受让方对股权价格的判断和合同目的实现。

    In the process of share transfer , if the transferor , at the dominant position of share and corporate information , hides the information , it will restrict the purpose of share transfer contract .

  15. 在大陆法系中,重大误解是一种内心意思缺陷,是由于表意人自身的原因造成的,并且由于重大误解使得当事人无法实现合同目的。

    In civil law , a major misunderstanding is an inner meaning wrong , which is caused ideographic own reasons , and because of the significant misunderstanding the people cannot achieve the purpose of the contract .

  16. 其次,在实践层面进一步介绍了合同目的落空制度的构成要件、适用限制、法律后果及其不足之争,对合同目的落空的具体制度问题进行了详细的介绍和辩证的分析。

    Besides , further describes the inscape , restrict , legal consequences and its lack of competition in practice , description and dialectical analysis on the specific system of the frustration of purpose of the contract .

  17. 在此基础上引申出合同目的的概念,对合同目的的基础问题进行一番梳理与归纳,进而提出了对合同目的探明程度的分寸把握和探明的具体方法。

    On this basis , deriving the concept on the purpose of the contract , carding and concluding the basic purposes , then putting forward the concrete methods of how to hold and prove up the purpose of the contract .

  18. 第三,分析如何使用诚实信用原则来规制不公平格式条款。笔者认为当格式条款违反平等互利原则时,或违反任意性规范时,或妨碍达成合同目的时被推定为违反诚实信用原则而无效。

    As to the principle of being honest and trustworthy , the author argues that the standard terms violating principle of equality and reciprocity , and that of authorization provisions or interfering in achieving the purpose of contract can be constructed to be void .

  19. 瑕疵担保责任制度的功能也正在于当买卖出现物的瑕疵或权利瑕疵、合同目的不能实现的情况下,平衡买卖双方的利益,实现对合同的有效救济。

    The effect of buyer guarantee liability about blemish is to balance the benefits between buyer and seller , and provide remedy to contract when the occurrence of blemish of subject matter and blemish of right make it impossible to achieve the goal of a contract .

  20. 并分析了电子合同的目的、内容,给出了电子合同模型的结构图,进而定义了电子合同的文档类型定义(DTD)。

    This article has analyzed the purpose , content of electronic contract . It also has given electronic contract model structure chart and then defined electronic contract DTD .

  21. 然而ISO9004无意用作认证或合同的目的。

    However , ISO 9004 is not intended for certification or for contractual purposes .

  22. 海上保险合同的目的就是为其保全提供保障。

    And the purpose of this contract of marine insurance is to save it from damage .

  23. 为了实现合同的目的,受益人对受益权的拥有就显得尤其重要。

    To realize this aim , it is very important the insurance beneficiary holds his own right .

  24. 验收搜罗收到正式仿单,声名已经知足了合同条目的要求。

    The acceptance includes receipt of a formal statement that the terms of the contract have been met .

  25. 附随义务的界定有利于保护双方的利益,均衡双方负担,保证双方当事人实现合同的目的。

    Strict definition of collateral obligation contributes to interest protection and charge equality of both parities , assuring them of contract performance .

  26. 这份新合同的目的是让石油公司的利润率接近之前油价高得多的时候。

    The aim of the new contract is to give producers close to the same margin they had when prices were much higher .

  27. 为了履行保函和合同的目的,担保人同意接受英国法庭的唯一管辖。

    For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT , the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts .

  28. 缔结合同的目的成为根本违约与合同解除之间的桥梁,它也决定了二者的必然联合。

    The purpose of concluding the contract to become a bridge between fundamental breach and the termination of the contract , it also determines the inevitable joint .

  29. 各文本使用的词句不一致的,应当根据合同的目的予以解释。

    In case of any discrepancy in the words or sentences used in the different language versions , they shall be interpreted in light of the purpose of the contract .

  30. 刘校长承认学校提供无薪产假,同时他还补充说,合同的目的是为了避免教师的频繁变动并保护学生的权益。

    The school offers no paid maternity leave , Liu admitted , adding that the contract is designed to avoid frequent changes of teachers and to protect students ' interests .