
hé tonɡ jiě chú
  • rescission of a contract
  1. 论合同解除职务协助研究

    On the Rescission of a Contract A Theory on Administrative Assistance

  2. 合同解除的法定事由探讨

    Exploration of Legal Particular Matters about Rescission of a Contract

  3. 国际立法文件中的合同解除制度;

    The system of rescission right of contract in international regulations .

  4. 合同解除是司法实践中经常遇到的一个问题。

    Rescission of contracts is a common problem in judicial practice .

  5. 论合同解除的溯及力及违约责任

    On Recalling Validity and Liability of Breach of Discharge of Contract

  6. 第三部分,合同解除损害赔偿的构成要件。

    Part three is the elements of the damages of rescission .

  7. 第二,合同解除的条件。

    Second , the conditions of " rescission of contracts " .

  8. 合同解除权主体探析

    Analysis of the Subject with the Right to Terminate a Contract

  9. 合同解除制度有诸多值得研究的问题。

    The system of the contract termination contains many resourceful issues .

  10. 大陆法系的合同解除制度;

    The system of rescission right of contract in Civil Law System ;

  11. 保险合同解除权的时效与溯及力

    On the Limitation and Retrospective Effect of the Dissolution of Insurance Contract

  12. 再就是从保险合同解除的法律规定中,寻找其不足。

    It finds out the deficiency from the rescission of insurance contract .

  13. 论劳动合同解除制度对劳动者的保护

    The Protecting of Laborer about System of Terminating Labor Contract

  14. 试论预期违约合同解除后的赔偿责任

    Compensation for Losses for Anticipatory Breach of Contract After It Is Dissolved

  15. 第二部分,合同解除事由。

    The second part , the contract relieves the matter .

  16. 保险合同解除后法律效力研究

    Study of the Legal Validity of the Rescinded Insurance Contract

  17. 第二章探讨了保险合同解除权的性质和立法分配原则。

    Chapter Two discusses the character and distribution of the rescinding right .

  18. 合同解除是一项重要的合同法律制度。

    The termination of contract is an important law system for contract .

  19. 考察发现,合同解除溯及力问题主要存在于大陆法国家。

    The retroactive effect issue mainly occurs in the countries of Romano-Germanic family .

  20. 航次租船合同解除的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Cancellation of Voyage Charter Parties

  21. 合同解除效力形态的事实判断研究

    On Judgement of Fact of Validity of Rescinded Contract

  22. 国际货物买卖合同解除权立法比较研究解除限定继承权保证

    Comparative Research on Legislation of Contract Cancellation Rights in International Sale of Goods

  23. 建设工程合同解除的法律与实践

    On Law and Practice Relieving the Construction Project Contract

  24. 合同解除是我国合同法中的一项重要制度。

    Contract abolition is a momentous system in our country 's pact law .

  25. 合同解除的是合同中的原始性权利义务,不涉及救济性权利义务。

    The object of canceling a contract is the original rights and obligations .

  26. 在第一部分中,讨论了合同解除的溯及力。

    The first part discusses the issue of retroactive effect of contract termination .

  27. 合同解除制度是合同制度的重要内容。

    The regime of contract rescission is an important content in contract system .

  28. 第一节论述合同解除制度的范畴。

    The first segment discusses the category of the system of contract rescission .

  29. 论商事合同解除的法律后果

    The Legal Consequences of the Discharge of Commercial Contracts

  30. 重点探讨了合同解除权的法律属性,自权利作用发挥角度而言,合同解除权应归入形成权;

    The legal attribute of the rescission right of contract is emphatically discussed .