
hé tonɡ dān bǎo
  • contract guarantee;security of contract
  1. 正确使用合同担保制度和行使索赔。

    The contract guarantee system and compensation should be used correctly .

  2. 论借款合同担保的法律问题

    Discussion of Legal Questions of Loan Contract Guarantee

  3. 定金法律制度是合同担保制度的一种,其主要作用在于保证主合同债权的顺利实现。

    The legal system of deposit is one of contract 's guarantee systems ; its main function is to grantee the realization of the primary contract .

  4. 定金作为合同担保的一种方式,经常被加以运用,但由于现行法律这方面的规定较为简单,在实践中易产生理解上的分歧而导致诉讼。

    Deposit is applied as a model of guarantee sometimes . But many divarications were occurred and brought on litigation by the brief provision in the actual laws .

  5. 中国四大国有商业银行现在要求,除非外资银行在中国的机构能够提供全球总部对有关交易的合同担保,否则将拒绝与它们做交易。

    The big four state-owned commercial banks are refusing to deal with the local operations of foreign banks unless they provide contractual guarantees on the trades from their global headquarters .

  6. 最早产生的保证保险是诚实保证保险,由一些个人商行或银行办理,到1852年,英国几家保险公司试图开办合同担保业务,但因缺乏足够的资本而没有成功。

    The first arising from the insurance guarantee is to ensure honesty and insurance , by some individuals or firms to banks , by 1852 , the United Kingdom several insurance companies trying to offer a contract security business , but due to lack of sufficient capital without success .

  7. 论我国旅游合同瑕疵担保责任的建立

    On the Establishment of Blemish Assured Responsibility in China 's Tour Contract

  8. 最后,是关于买卖合同瑕疵担保责任的理论及法律规制的区别。

    Finally , there is a difference between the theoretical and legal regulation on the contract for the sale of warranty responsibility .

  9. 创建旅游小册子,与航空公司,酒店和汽车租赁公司,编制预算和财务报告谈判的合同,担保的几个企业的旅游协议。

    Created travel brochures , negotiated contracts with airlines , hotels and car rental companies , prepared budgets and financial reports , secured several corporate travel agreements .

  10. 保证是以保证人的一般财产而设定的、用一个合同去担保另一个合同(主债务)的履行之担保方式,有一定的独立性。

    The suretyship is a form of guaranty , in which the performance of a contract ( principal obligation ) is guaranted by entering into a suretyship contract on the surety 's general property .

  11. 供应链金融即是以上思想的实现,在该种模式下商业银行通过借助与中小企业有产业合作关系的大企业的担保、或者以两者之间的购销合同为担保,来共同分担中小企业贷款风险。

    The effective way to achieve the above idea is supply chain financial models which are passed through commercial banks and cooperative relations of the credit of large enterprises , or assured purchase order between them .

  12. 装船前的检验并不能替代卸货港和/或工作现场的检验,也不能免除卖方基于本合同的担保义务。

    The pre-delivery inspection shall not substitute the inspection of the Contract Equipment at the port of Unloading and / or the Job Site and shall not release the Seller from its guarantee obligations as further specified in the Contract .

  13. 不过任何明智的新政权都必须出台土地审核政策,给予合理的补偿,安排土地租赁、管理合同,担保土地占有权和个人房地契,包括公共土地部分。

    But any sensible new administration must first carry out a land audit , give decent compensation , then arrange for leaseholds , management contracts , surety of tenure and individual title deeds across the land , including the communal areas .

  14. 试论我国劳动合同的保证担保

    Discussion upon Security Guaranty of Labor Contract in China

  15. 浅论技术合同的定金担保

    On Advance Payment Guarantees of Technology Contract

  16. 论买卖合同的瑕疵担保责任

    Defect Warranty in Sales Contract

  17. 应注意以贷还贷合同中,担保合同从属性及独立性对担保合同效力的影响;

    The validity of related guarantee contract may be effected by the nature of dependence and independence of such loan contract .

  18. 主债权债务合同无效,担保合同无效,但法律另有规定的除外。

    Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law , the security contract shall be invalid when the principal contract is nullified .

  19. 当事人可以在合同中约定担保。担保人在约定的担保范围内承担责任。

    In the contract the parties may agree to provide a guaranty . The guarantor shall be held liable within the agreed scope of guaranty .

  20. 在有些情况下,共同制定经济方面的计划可以修正合同中的担保条款或现场服务的条款。

    In some cases , jointly developed the economic aspects of the plan can be modified in the contract of guarantee clause or field service terms .

  21. 同样,在我国,实现资产转让更是存在着合同法和担保法等方面的困难和障碍,也没有重新定性的相应规则和实践。

    Obviously , there are many obstacles in the legal system of China , such as contract law and guarantee law , and we have little experience in characterization .

  22. 财产损害诉讼可能还包括合同违约、担保违约、使用价值损失、综合损害的赔偿,以及其它法定的救济方式。

    Property damage suits will likely include counts for breach of contract , breach of warranties , loss of use , resultant damages , and other statutory forms of relief .

  23. 此保函一式三份,受益人持有正本,合同卖方和担保人各持有一份副本。

    The guarantee is made in three ( 3 ) copies , original document for the Beneficiary , the second copy for the Principal and the third copy for the Guarantor .

  24. 科利尔补充说,还有一个后续问题是信托贷款合同中“担保人和质押品构成的网络”。他发现只有32%的信托贷款曾说服借款人,将土地作为无法还款时的抵押品。

    Mr Collier added a follow-on problem was the " web of guarantees and collateral " in trust loan contracts , having found that only 32 per cent of trust loans had persuaded borrowers to pledge land as security in cases where they could not repay .

  25. 行政合同理念在纳税担保制度中的运用

    The Application of Government Contract to Tax Payment Guaranty

  26. 合同解除与定金担保

    Relief of Contract and Guarantee of Deposit

  27. 贸易法第五部分第2节暗含一些消费者合同的条件和担保。

    The Trade Practices Act in Division 2 of Part V implies into consumer contracts certain conditions and warranties .

  28. 为了履行保函和合同的目的,担保人同意接受英国法庭的唯一管辖。

    For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT , the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts .

  29. 被保证的当事人不履行合同的,按照担保约定由保证人履行或者承担连带责任。

    Where the guaranteed party fails to perform the contract , the guarantor shall perform or be held with joint obligation in accordance with the agreement on the guaranty .

  30. 对此争议,本文首先对双方签订的协议的性质进行了分析,阐述本案涉及的担保合同是否构成让与担保。

    To the dispute , this paper firstly analyzed the two sides signed the agreement properties , then the case involving the guarantee contract whether to constitute the transferring guarantee .