
  • 网络contract guarantee insurance
  1. 第一,保证保险合同与保证保险合作协议的关系问题。

    The applicable law of the guarantee insurance .

  2. 笔者将保证合同与保证保险合同相比较进行分析并抛砖引玉,以期能够正确界定保证保险合同的法律性质。

    The thesis compares the guaranty contract with the guaranty insurance contract , hoping to give a correct definition to the legal nature of the guaranty insurance contract .

  3. 同时,梳理了保证保险纠纷所涉及的多项合同法律关系,全面分析了争议较大的三方协议,认为保证保险合同是处理保证保险纠纷的核心依据。

    At the same time , this article has clarified the multiple legal relationships that guaranty insurance involves , analyzes the tri-party agreement , and insists that the guaranty insurance contract shall be the critical foundation in settling the guaranty insurance disputes .