
  1. 缔约过失责任的范围有:1、合同不成立时之缔约过失;

    The range of contracting fault responsibility includes : 1 . Contracting fault during contract unfound period ;

  2. 缔约过失责任一般在合同不成立、无效或者被撤销时,才可能产生。

    In general , liability for contracting negligence is usually thought to arise in contracts that are not formed , invalid or canceled .

  3. 信赖利益赔偿制度不仅适用于合同不成立、无效和被撤销,而且可以适用于效力待定、合同解除、可撤销合同之撤销权丧失与不行使等场合。

    The compensation system of trust-benefit applies not only to an invalid , ineffective and abandoned contract but also to some other situations such as awaiting efficiency , dissolution of a contract , the lose of the right of abandoning a contract .

  4. 在没有达成合意则不负责任的谈判磋商原则下,即使一方在缔约阶段有过错,并因此给对方造成损失,如果合同不成立,那么有过错的一方不负责任。

    In the " not yet reached a desired are irresponsible ," the principle of negotiation , even if there is no party in the stage , and thus causing loss to the other party , if the contract is not formed , then at fault irresponsible .

  5. 合同无对价不成立。

    No consideration , no contract .

  6. 所以,法院最终认定装修公司合同欺诈的理由不成立,驳回了许先生的诉讼请求。

    So , the court is maintained finally decorate the reason with company con contract not to hold water , rejected the litigant request that makes a gentleman .

  7. 传统观点曾认为信赖利益是信赖合同成立有效却因合同不成立或无效而生的损失。

    Traditional theory of civil law believes that the reliance interests is the loss caused by void of contract while the party relies on the formation and validation of contract , while the party relies on the formation and validation of contract .

  8. 摘要在合同生效之前,当事人因故意或过失违反先合同义务,导致合同不成立、合同无效或被变更、撤销的,均应承担缔约过失责任。

    The party concerned , who disobeys precontractual obligations on purpose or by mistake before the contract goes into effect and results in the failure , effectiveness , change and cancellation of the contract , will take liability for culpa in contrahendo .