- apparent unfairness of a contract;apparently unfair contract

( ii ) the contract was grossly unconscionable at the time of its conclusion .
When exercising the contract cancellation right , the party have a right to petition to the People 's Court or an arbitration institution to cancel the contract .
This system demonstrates the equality and justice of law , and is a legal remedy to the client when it is obviously unfair to perform a contract in the case that some unforeseen risks exist .
After the patent is invalid , the patentee obtained the patent licensing fees or transfer fee are unfair , and patent license contract or transfer contract can be used as revocable contract processing .
The contract has been entered into under undue influence or the influence of danger and its terms are obviously inequitable ;
In practice , the invalid performance brokerage contracts mainly are due to " violating laws and administrative regulations " . The revocable performance brokerage contracts mainly are due to " obvious unfair to make the contract " .