
  • 网络co-ops;cooperative housing;cooperatives;co-operative housing;co-housing
  1. 合作住宅:扶持中低收入阶层和扩大内需的良策

    Co-operative Housing Project : A Useful Policy to Support Low Middle Income Class and Increase Domestic Demands

  2. 在重建过程中,BuildChange组织与居民合作改善新住宅的安全性。

    During reconstruction efforts , Build Change works with residents to improve the safety of new homes .

  3. 此外,宝马还表示将于中国的房地产公司合作,在住宅区安装充电站。

    In addition , BMW said it would team up with Chinese real estate companies to install charging stations in residential areas .

  4. 绿色建筑技术在村镇住宅建设中的探索与应用&中德合作设计绿色住宅示范工程方案介绍

    Exploration and Application of the Green Building Techniques in Rural House Construction & Introduction of Green House Paradigmatic Project Designed by the Cooperation of China and Germany

  5. 它还通过和业主合作的方式在住宅楼安装充电设施。

    It 's also working with property owners of residential buildings to set up charging infrastructure .

  6. 彭博希望能和欧洲科技公司合作开发能够连接住宅和城市的服务和应用套组,即所谓的物联网。

    Mr Peng wants to join forces with European technology groups to develop suites of services and applications that will enable connected homes and cities , the so-called internet of things .

  7. 这项工作包括多方面的合作:商业、住宅、制造业建筑的能效标准和测试,识别工业领域十大能效技术及最佳实践,以及在中国进一步发展合同能源管理。

    This work will include cooperation on : energy efficiency standards and testing for commercial , residential , and manufacturing buildings ; identifying the top ten energy efficient technologies and best practices for industry ; and further development of energy savings performance contracting in China .