
  • 网络cooperation;Cooperation ability;Ability to work together
  1. 摘要利用模拟icu对61名新护士进行急救技能的培训,大大提高了护士的心理素质、急救能力、应变能力、沟通和合作能力。

    Firstaid training class in simulated ICU is given to61 new nurses , which greatly improves their abilities such as mentality quality , first aid ability emergency adjustment , communication and cooperation ability .

  2. 表现教学法提高了同学间的合作能力。

    Teaching methods of performance enhance the cooperation ability between students .

  3. 在这个关键时刻,最重要的是这3个共和国的合作能力。

    What 's important at this juncture is the ability of the three republics to work together

  4. 提高团队合作能力需要时间。

    Teamwork improves with time .

  5. 文章介绍了在C语言教学中如何从自主能力,应变能力,探索能力,分解能力,实践能力,合作能力等六个方面对学生进行创新能力的培养。

    This article discusses how to cultivate the students ' innovative ability on six aspects of independent ability , changing ability , exploratory ability , analytical ability , practical ability and cooperative ability .

  6. 在这个原型系统里,利用Agent的自治能力和合作能力来协助用户对抽取请求进行公式化表述和结合知识库学习抽取规则等。

    In the framework , the autonomy and coordination of agent are employed to assist user formulate extraction queries , to learn extraction rules on the base of knowledge bases and so on .

  7. ETS个人潜力指数评估的6项个人素质分别包括:“知识与创造力”、“沟通技巧”、“团队合作能力”、“应变能力”、“策划和组织能力”与“道德与诚信度”。

    The six personal attributes captured by ETS PPI are Knowledge and Creativity ; Communication Skills ; Teamwork ; Resilience ; Planning and Organisation ; and Ethics and Integrity .

  8. 这对夫妇组合团队表示他们与来自世界各地音乐家和歌手们的合作能力是他们的最新专辑《folila》中的亮点,这个单词在马里班巴拉语中是做音乐的意思。

    The husband and wife team said their ability to team up with musicians and singers from all over the globe was the highlight of their latest release , folila , a word which means to make music in the Malian language of Bambara .

  9. 积极主动、承担责任、自我激励、团队合作能力强;

    Initiative , commitment , motivation and strong sense of teamwork .

  10. 考验他们的合作能力,解决问题,沟通的能力。

    of how they work together , solve problems , communicate .

  11. 物流服务供应链合作能力协调机制研究。

    Logistics service supply chain cooperation capability adjustment mechanism study .

  12. 谈高校体育对大学生合作能力的培养

    On Training of Cooperative Ability for College Students in College Physical Education

  13. 乡村秩序与县乡村体制&兼论农民的合作能力问题

    Country Order and Structure & Also about farmers ' ability of cooperation

  14. 善于沟通,有团队合作能力,维持客观公正;

    Excellent communication skill , team working skill , objective and fair .

  15. 合作能力与中小企业绩效相关性的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Correlativity between SME Cooperation Capacity and its Performance

  16. 较好的沟通能力与团队合作能力。

    Strong communication ability and have spirit of team-work .

  17. 22人认为小组学习有利于合作能力的培养,提倡小组协作学习形式。

    22 thought group work is good to the cultivation of cooperative ability .

  18. 以沟通技能训练为主导,培养学生的交流、合作能力。

    Communication skills were also introduced to improve students ' communicating and cooperative abilities .

  19. 在面试中,每个人都说自己又很强的团队合作能力,快速的学习能力。

    In interviews , everyone works well with others , and everyone learns quickly .

  20. 当发球时偶而会使力错误,这一位运动员双打的合作能力是明显的。

    This player occasionally forces errors when serving and teamwork in doubles is evident .

  21. 在课程设计中加强学生合作能力的培养

    Enhancing Student Cooperation Ability in the Course Design

  22. 拓展训练教学对提高普通高校学生合作能力的影响

    Influence of Expand Training Teaching on Improving the Cooperation Ability of Common College Students

  23. 浅谈职业院校大学生合作能力的培养途径

    Discussion on Cultivating Way of Cooperative Ability of the Students in Professional Colleges and Universities

  24. 请提及合作能力的图表。

    Refer to the Teamwork Skills Chart .

  25. 黑龙江省中小企业对俄经贸合作能力研究

    Studies on Economic Cooperation Capability with Russia of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province

  26. 善于沟通,具备良好的团队合作能力。

    Good communication skills and team spirit .

  27. 这些经历确保他们具备出色的团队合作能力和强烈的求胜心。

    This experience will ensure they have excellent teamwork skills and a seriously competitive nature .

  28. 协调和合作能力。

    Saturating responses coordination and cooperation capacity .

  29. 团队合作能力强,愿意面对工作中的各项细节。

    Good team spirit , willing to handle the details and routines in daily working .

  30. 评价病人的合作能力。

    Evaluate client 's ability to cooperate .