
  1. 人力资源开发是通过多种方式的投资,提供稀缺资源利服务,使自然形态的资源得到加工改造,成为具有相当健康水平、知识技能水平和良好社会适应能力的合格人力资源。

    Human resources development means providing rare resources and services by different ways of investment . Influenced by the development , the natural pattern resources get transformed and become qualified human resources with good health , high intelligence and good social adaptability .

  2. 教育作为传播、发散和创新知识的重要基地,肩负着为社会提供充分的合格的人力资源的重任。

    Education as the important base to transform , to spread and to enhance knowledge , shoulders with the task of supplying adequate qualified personnel resources .

  3. 这将需要一个合格的人力资源基础和承诺建设必须的基础设施,诸如为所有人提供教育的项目。

    This will require a qualified human resource base and the commitment to necessary infrastructure , such as programmes that offer access to education for all .

  4. 这种做法可能有助于填补美国所需的合格的人力资源,但是它对于阻止发展中国家很大一部分科学人才的持续流失基本没有作用。

    That might help fill the US need for qualified manpower , but it will do little to stem the continuing drain from developing countries of a significant proportion of their scientific talent .