
  • 网络Cooperative factory;cooperative plant
  1. 可同厂方长期合作承包工厂废品废料,物价咨询及办理海关核销业务。

    Long-term cooperation contract with the factory to factory waste scrap , price verification consulting and custom services .

  2. 完成总生产线的合作与宇都宫工厂。

    Completed the total production line in cooperation with the Utsunomiya Plant .

  3. 北朝鲜还关闭了边境地区和南朝鲜合作经营的工厂。

    The North also closed the border-area factory that it operates jointly with the South .

  4. 需要跟制造厂及设备供应方密切合作来了解工厂的技术。

    Work closely with Manufacturing and equipment vendors to understand the technology being employed by the plants .

  5. 他们还与制造污染的工厂合作,因为工厂给该地区带来就业机会和税收。

    They also worked with the polluting factory because the plant brought jobs and tax revenues to the region .

  6. 通过与中国政府进行合作,梦工厂目前正在上海建立一个研发中心,以及一个造价3.5亿美元的影视制作工作室。

    Together with the Chinese government , DWA is constructing a research and development centre in Shanghai , as well as a $ 350m film studio facility .

  7. 有时候,只需要一些很简单的做法就能达到这一目的,比如到中国去参观一下中方合作伙伴的工厂、仓库或办公室,看一看对方是否存在经营困难的迹象;

    This might involve something as simple as going to China and looking around your Chinese co-party 's factory , warehouse or office to look for warning signs of a company in distress .

  8. 如果品牌所有者采取积极的打假行动(包括迫使中国电商平台下架假货以及与警方合作打击假货工厂),造假者通常就会把目标转向更容易的对象。

    For brand owners , if they 're seen as being aggressive against counterfeiters from pulling down the listings on Chinese e-commerce platforms to coordinating with police to raid factories the fraudsters will often move onto easier targets .

  9. 卢特尔向万隆提出合资提议时他仍在担任首席执行长,提议涉及到在美国合作建造一座工厂,专门生产向中国出口的猪肉。

    Mr. Luter 's joint-venture proposal to Mr. Wan , made when he was still CEO , involved building a plant together in the U.S. dedicated to producing pork for export to China .

  10. 工厂的母公司为贝卡尔特,属于普光电子技术有限公司的子公司,它也是三星的合作制造商,据工厂联合会主任的说法,工厂于6月20日之前已经申请破产。

    The factory 's parent company is BKE & T , a subsidiary of Bokwang , a part-maker for Samsung , which filed for bankruptcy before June 20 , according to the head of the factory 's union .