
  • 网络techno-economic decision-making
  1. 技术经济决策中的物元分析

    The Material Elements Analysis of Making Decision in Technological Economic

  2. 基于交互式多目标决策的船型技术经济评价决策系统

    Study on Ship Technical and Economic Evaluation DS based on Interactive MCDM

  3. 天然气管网的技术经济分析与决策

    Technologic-Economic analysis and decision of gas pipeline system

  4. 提出了技术经济论证的决策层次属性及专家行为属性。

    Put forwarding property of decision making arrangement and expert conduct of technique economy argumentation .

  5. 神经经济学是一门应用神经科学技术来确定经济决策的神经机制的新兴学科。

    Neuroeconomics is an emerging transdisciplinary field that uses neuroscientific measurement techniques to identify the neural substrates associated with economic decisions .

  6. 水电建设的技术经济论证是工程决策的基础。

    Technical economy in hydroelectric construction is a basis for ar - riving at the final decision of an engineering project , e.g.hydroelectric construction .