
  • 网络skill trading;skill exchange
  1. 现在,一种新的交换方式&“技能交换”正逐渐在“换客”中间流行起来。

    Now , a new way of exchange & " skill exchange " is getting popular among this " barter clan " .

  2. 那就和别人进行技能交换吧!

    If so , try to exchange skills with others .

  3. 现在,技能交换的网站也越来越多。

    Now , more and more websites especially for exchanging skills are built .

  4. 如果你用你的保姆技能交换个人培训而不是肤浅,你一样能拥有强健的腹肌。

    If you barter your babysitting skills for personal training instead of paying cash , you still get abs of steel .

  5. 你可以先在相关的“技能交换”网站上搜索你想学的技能,然后找到已经掌握这种技能的人,同时了解一下对方想学习的技能。

    You can search online for the skill you want to learn , find the person possessing such skill and get to know the skill he or she wants to learn .

  6. 这种技能交换既可以丰富业余生活,又能免费学到自己感兴趣的东西,成为很多年轻人业余充电的新方式。

    This kind of exchange can not only enrich your spare time but help foster your interest without any cost , thus becoming a new way of learning in the younger generation .