
  1. 意见还规定,省级机关录用公务员一律从具有2年以上基层工作经历的人员中考录。

    The guideline also stipulates that civil servant recruitment in provincial-level agencies will only consider candidates with at least two years of grassroots working experience .

  2. 基层工作经历,是指具有在县乡党政机关、企事业单位和其他经济组织、社会组织等基层和生产一线及农村工作的经历。

    Grassroots work experience refers to work in government or party departments of towns , villages or sub-district offices , public institutions , companies , and communities .

  3. 中国将继续加强公务员制度建设,从农村、社区和有着基层工作经历的人员中,录取更多有才能之人。

    He said the country would further improve the civil service selection mechanism , and recruit more talents from rural areas , communities and those who had working experiences with the grass-roots .