
jī běn zhuān lì
  • basic patent
  1. 主要涉及标准的作用和意义、标准的产生、专利的申报和保护、标准和专利的关系、基本专利和从属专利,以及标准和专利对企业的意义等。

    It generally concerns the function and significance of standard , the emergence of standard , the declaration and protection of patent , the relationship between standard and patent , basic patent and dependent patent , and the significance of standard and patent to enterprises .

  2. 基本专利到期。激烈的竞争时代开始。

    Basic patents expire ; period of intense competition begins .

  3. 而专利和技术标准的结合,出现了基本专利。

    But the combination of the patent and technical standard brings to the essential patent .

  4. 国内厂商短时间内难以在基本专利上取得专利优势;

    Domestic manufacturers can not gain the advantage of fundamental patents for profits in a short time .

  5. 此外,本文对企业基本专利战略的研究对企业选择专利战略时提供理论支持。

    Finally , the study should become the theory support for corporations to choose , establish and implement the patent strategy .

  6. 本文以核心竞争力理论为基础研究企业基本专利战略的基础、机理和运作。

    The dissertation studies the foundation , mechanism and operation of corporation patent strategy on the base of the theory of core competence .

  7. 但上诉法院判决苹果公司不能为其手机的基本设计申请专利,这样一部分赔偿金就可能要泡汤了。

    But an appeals court ruled that Apple could not patent the basic design of the iPhone , putting some of that award in jeopardy .

  8. 第一章对知识产权与专利基本概念以及专利资源在企业中的应用现状等进行了综述,提出了本文的主要研究工作、目的与意义。

    In chapter one , the author introduces the basic concepts of intellectual property and patents , and analyzes the status of present utilization in the manufacturing-enterprises ' R & D department , then educes the purpose and significance of this study .

  9. 解析对50所学校专利实施的调查结果表明:高校专利实施状况基本良好,专利实施与专利申请、授权同步增长;

    An investigation on the exploitation of patents over 50 Chinese Universities was carried out and the data was analyzed in the paper . The results show that patent exploitation in Chinese universities is being in good status basically , whose number increases with those of applied and authorized patents .

  10. 近年来,我国专利工作取得显著成效,连续两次修改后的《专利法》与WTO规则下的Trips协议基本一致,但是专利保护水平和专利审查制度的科学性还有待提高。

    In recent years , although our Patent Authority is improving on patent law system in order to adapt to the rules of WTO and the Agreement of Trips , the level of patent protection and the patent censor system is not perfect , and should be improved continuously .

  11. Rockstar称,众手机生产商侵犯了与许多智能手机的一些基本功能相关的专利权,其中包括一项与在手持设备上搜索文件相关的专利。

    Rockstar says the handset makers have infringed patents related to some basic features of many smartphones , including a 2000 patent that relates to navigating through documents on a hand-held device .

  12. 技术标准联盟成员合作的基本要素是以专利为主的知识和知识产权,技术标准联盟是一种新产权&知识产权契约联盟。

    The technical standardization alliance is essentially a new property right contractual alliance .

  13. 介绍吉化大化肥装置的基本流程和主要专利技术,并对其特点进行分析。

    This paper presents the basic technological process and patent technology in Jilin large scale chemical fertilizer plant and analyzes its technical characteristics .

  14. 第一部分阐述专利权质押基本理论,包括专利权质押的概念、特征、作用和意义。

    The first part introduces the basic theory of patent pledge , including the concept , characteristic , function and meaning of patent pledge .

  15. 运用聚类算法将专利文档进行分类,得到技术发展的基本路径,结合专利申请时间,制作出专利地图,为后面的工作奠定基础。

    Using clustering algorithms to classify the patent documents , to get the the basic path of technical development , and then combined with the patent application time to creat a patent map .

  16. 技术标准专利化是软件业技术标准联盟新产权契约关系发展的基本趋势,技术专利的认定、获取与许可是技术标准联盟的三大基本职能。

    Patenting technology standards is the mainstream of new property rights contract for technology standards consortia in software industry . The confirmation , capture and license of technology patents are the three essential functions for technology standards consortia .