
  • 网络cross-license;Cross license;Cross-licensing
  1. 由于跨国公司的参与,交叉许可合同带来的垄断问题引起了人们的关注。

    But cross license contracts also involve monopoly issues and some born defects .

  2. 交叉许可浅析古诺垄断市场最优创新许可方式

    The Primary Analysis of Cross License

  3. 为了加快工作,基金会现场总线和ISA达成了一个交叉许可协议,允许这两个组织就无线网络进行合作。

    To expedite the work , the Fieldbus Foundation and ISA have entered into a cross-licensing agreement allowing the two organizations to collaborate on wireless networks .

  4. 华为如今与爱立信、高通(Qualcomm)、诺基亚、阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)以及其他很多电信技术厂商有交叉许可协议。

    Huawei now has cross-licensing agreements with Ericsson , Qualcomm , Nokia , Alcatel-Lucent and many other telecoms technology makers .

  5. 最小公倍数的和函数交叉许可浅析

    The Lcm-sum Function The Primary Analysis of Cross License

  6. 交叉许可是指由两个相互依存、互为条件的许可合同实现的技术授权。

    Cross license is a kind of technology authorization realized by two interdependent and inter-prerequisite license contracts .

  7. 其共享方式主要有独占许可、部分独占许可、普通许可、分许可和交叉许可;

    The co operation style includes exclusive license , partial license , simple license , several license and cross license .

  8. 目前组建的专利联盟的主要作用不是进行专利交叉许可和交易,而是技术创新合作和专利诉讼合作。

    The main purpose of the patent pools is not patent cross-licensing and transactions , but technology innovation cooperation and patent litigation cooperation . 2 .

  9. 的确,微软最近一反激烈竞争的惯有做法,开始走上签订专利交叉许可的道路。

    Indeed , Microsoft has recently embarked on a new course of patent cross-licensing that is a radical departure from its history of sharp competition .

  10. 但是,随着跨国企业的逐渐增加,交叉许可合同带来的垄断问题日益受到人们的关注。

    However , following the stepping up number of international corporations , monopolization problem , caused be cross license , attracts more and more individuals'attention .

  11. 交叉许可是指通过两个相互依存、互为条件的许可合同实现的技术授权。交叉许可对于一些高科技领域内的技术创新有重要意义。

    Cross license is a kind of authorization through two related license contracts , which is widely used in high technology areas for the technology advance .

  12. 为避免争端,双方签署协议达成专利交叉许可,允许在一定条件下把某些专利转让给第三方。

    To avoid disputes , the two sides signed a patent cross-licensing agreement , under certain conditions to allow the transfer of certain patents to third parties .

  13. 该公司表示,已经与中兴进行了庭外接洽,要求中兴停止其侵权行为,并建议就专利交叉许可进行谈判,但尚未得到任何实质性的回应。

    The company said it had called on ZTE out of court to stop its practices and suggested talks on cross-licensing , but had received no substantive response .

  14. 拥有互补性专利的双寡头厂商可以进行三种方式的专利交易,分别是无专利授权、交叉许可授权和专利联盟授权。

    Two duopoly firms with the perfect complementary patents may conduct three types of patent transaction , they are no patent licensing , cross licensing , patent pools licensing respectively .

  15. 众多法律事实说明,尽管交叉许可具有很强的实践性和优越性,但其缺陷依然不容忽视,需要进一步通过立法加以完善。

    Proved by numerous fait juridique , cross license , though with strong feasibility and superiority , need to be perfected by legislation for its defect not to be ignored .

  16. 在智能手机领域,专利诉讼是一项严峻挑战,获得大量专利将让公司通过交叉许可和专利交易减少诉讼带来的影响。

    In the smartphone industry , patent litigation is a serious challenge and access to a large number of patents allows companies to reduce their vulnerability to lawsuits by cross-licensing and trading patents .

  17. 苹果将双方达成的协议称之为一个交叉许可协议,其中也考虑到了自己的专利权。但分析师表示,从诺基亚所获得的净收益看,这家芬兰公司已成为此案中的绝对胜方。

    Apple described it as a cross-licensing agreement which took account of its own patent claims but analysts said the net gain for Nokia indicated that the Finnish company had emerged as a strong winner in the case .

  18. 本文在探讨知识产权法与反垄断法相互关系的基础上,结合这一领域的经典案例,介绍了当代美国对专利权交叉许可和专利池许可模式进行反垄断规制的基本理论和适用原则。

    On the basis of the discussion of the relationship between the intellectual law and antitrust law , the disquisition give a brief introduction for the basic theory and applicable principles for the antitrust regulations in this area in USA.

  19. 知识经济下,众多专利相互交叉的专利丛状况以及由此产生的新技术专利产业推行中的侵权诉讼风险的不确定性使得专利池许可和专利权交叉许可模式有其存在的必要性。

    The crossing-license and patent pool are necessary in the knowledge-based economy century for the situation of the patents thicket and the uncertainty for infringement on other patents when a new technology patent is used for production .