
hé tonɡ yào jiàn
  • conditions of a contract;essential elements of a contract
  1. 浅谈质押合同生效要件

    On the Execution Requisites of Pledge Contract

  2. 事实劳动关系是劳动者和用人单位之间形成的具有劳动权利和义务内容,却不具备法定的劳动合同形式要件的劳动关系。

    The labor relation of fact is the labor rights and duty between the worker and the unit .

  3. 从合同生效要件、市场自由角度、合同生效要件与承担违约责任相分离的角度考察,转让债权的非有效存在并不必然导致转让合同的无效。

    Considering from the effective elements of contract , freedom of market , and the separation of the effective elements of contract and the liability for breach of the contract , the transfer of claims exist ineffectively does not lead to the contract invalid .

  4. 摘要在阐述保险合同构成要件的基础上,对保赔保险合同的法律性质进行了具体分析,得出了保赔保险合同本质上是一种保险合同的结论。

    The paper gives a detailed analysis of the legal character of p I insurance contract on the basis of a discussion of the constructive conditions of insurance contract , and thereby draws the conclusion that p I insurance contract has the essence of insurance contract .

  5. 存在双方当事人、当事人达成合意是教育合同成立的要件。

    Parties and consensus are essential conditions for an education contract .

  6. 简论建筑工程承包合同的成立要件

    On the essential elements of establishment for civil engineering contract for undertaking a project

  7. 浅议合同的效力要件

    The Effective Important Elements of Contracts

  8. 第五部分说明了电子合同成立的要件和地点;

    The fifth part explains the necessary parts and place required by electronic contracts to be executed .

  9. 同时,基于保险利益是保险合同的效力要件,分析保险合同签订、履行时保险利益的具体判断。

    At the same time , it analyzes the specific judgment when insurance contract is signed and performed .

  10. 合同的有效要件是法律评价当事人合意的标准,不同于合同的成立要件。

    The important conditions to validate a contract are the criterion for the law to estimate the parties ' will .

  11. 该概念涵盖了行政合同的形式要件、目的要件和内容要件。

    This concept has covered the administrative contract form important document , the goal important document and the content important document .

  12. 转让债权的有效存在,并不是债权转让合同的生效要件。

    The effective existence of the transfer of claims is not the effective element of the assignment of claims ' contract .

  13. 第一部分对保险利益是否是人寿保险合同的有效要件进行探讨。

    The first part is the research on whether the insurance interest is one of effective factors of the life insurance contract .

  14. 保险利益是构成保险合同的法律要件,对于保险合同的效力具有基础性评价意义,是保险法中最重要的基本原则之一。

    Insurable interest is an important document that constitutes an insurance contract , and it is a basic principle of the Insurance Law as well .

  15. 区分原则强调股权出质登记是股权质权的生效要件而非股权质押合同的生效要件。

    According to the trennungsprinzip , it is-emphasised that registered pledge is essential for the pledge instead of the equity pledge agreement have the validity .

  16. 财产保险合同的成立要件、生效原因、终止时间与其他合同比较有明显的特殊性。

    Compared to other kind of contracts , the components , the reasons it goes into effect , as well as its duration all has an obvious character .

  17. 作为人身保险法上的一项基本原则,保险利益是保险合同的效力要件,关系人身保险合同法体系的建立和对具体保险合同的判断。

    As a personal insurance , insurance benefits is the basic principle of the insurance contract effectiveness , insurance contract relationship and to establish the system of the insurance contract .

  18. 在接下来的第二部分,笔者着重分析了证券交易的诸多的特点,并通过分解证券集中交易的过程和探究合同的本质要件论证了证券交易合同的存在;

    In Second Part , the author focuses on diversified character of securities transaction and demonstrates the existence of securities contract by analyzing centralized transaction process and essential elements of contract .

  19. 我国现行立法未能将房屋买卖与房屋租赁两类不动产的性质作明确区分,将登记备案亦规定为房屋租赁合同的生效要件。

    The prevailing laws in our county do not distinguish the nature of the house sales from house lease or take the registration as the requisite of effect of the contract .

  20. 我国法学界和司法界把是否进行产权过户登记作为房屋买卖合同的生效要件的传统观点,是对登记制度属性的误解。

    Experts in the legal academic circle and the judicial circle hold a traditional view that whether the transfer of property right has been registered is taken as prerequisite for the deal contract to become valid .

  21. 应从合同的效力要件方面,分析电子合同当事人的缔约能力问题,当事人意思表示真实的判断问题,电子合同内容及形式的有效性问题。

    We should analyze its effect from the following aspects : the ability of signing a treaty , the authentic judgment of the party 's idea and the effect of the content and form of the contract .

  22. 合同诈骗罪构成要件研究

    Study on the Constitution of the Crime of Contractual Fraud

  23. 首先,应收账款质押合同须满足形式要件和实质要件。

    First , the contract on the pledge of accounts receivable shall meet the formal requirements and essential requirements .

  24. 合同的特别生效要件,是指基于当事人的特别约定或者法律的特别规定而使合同发生法律效力的条件。

    The special elements which providing the legal effect to the contract are based on the special agreements between parties or the special provisions of law .

  25. 其中,合同的特别生效要件由原告承担证明责任,学说及实践中已无异议;

    In academic or practical circles , there is no objection to that the plaintiff shall bear the burden of proof on the special requirements of validity of contract .

  26. 书面形式是抵押合同的成立生效要件,抵押人、抵押权人、以自己的财产设定抵押权的第三人在主债权合同及抵押合同中皆处于不同的利益循环之中。

    A mortgage contract should be concluded in writing . Mortgagor , mortgagee and the third party who set up the right of mortgage on his own property are all in different circulation of interest .

  27. 民法教义学中,合同履行请求权至少应包括合同生效要件。

    According to the dogmatics of civil law , the right of claim for execution of a contract may include the requirement of validity of contract at least .

  28. 行纪合同的成立不仅须具备一般合同的成立要件,还须具备特别成立要件;

    The establishment of contract of commission requires not only important documents for common contract , but also special important document ;

  29. 在合同生效部分,笔者主要结合了合同生效要件对影响网络团购合同生效的因素进行了分析。

    In the section of contract commencement , the author analyzes the elements which affect the contract commencement combine with the factors of the entry into force of the contact commencement contract .

  30. 具体问题主要分为四部分:第一部分主要分析股权对外转让合同问题,对有限责任公司股权对外转让合同的有效要件和特殊情形下股权对外转让合同的效力等做出了分析。

    Specific issues mainly include four parts : The first part analyses problems of equity foreign transfer contract .