
  • 网络Garden Villa;Villa;Garden bungalow;Garden House
  1. 既有花园别墅的电气改造与智能化设计

    The Electrical Renovation and Intelligence Design for the Existing Garden Villa

  2. 这些花园别墅是传统的马尔代夫建筑风格。

    These Garden Villa 's are styled according to traditional Maldivian Architecture .

  3. 大老板:我们以销售花园别墅起家。

    Big Boss : We started off by selling garden houses .

  4. 某花园别墅结构改造的设计与施工

    The design and construction of a villa ′ s structure reformation

  5. 我们有时还销售花园别墅。

    We still sell them sometimes .

  6. 银行可为您购买花园别墅提供6成最高10年按揭贷款

    Banks will provide a 60 percent up to 10 years mortgage ( loan ) for you to Buy a garden villa

  7. 生态建筑设计理念在别墅中的体现&山东诸城龙海花园别墅组团设计实践

    The embodiment of ecological architecture designing theory in villa design & Shandong Zhucheng ' Longhai Garden ' group villa project practice

  8. 官房酒店花园别墅拥有全丽江离雪山最近的雪景西餐厅,提供中西结合的国际自助餐,可同时容纳300人就餐。

    Our west restaurant is the nearest to facing the snow mountain with the capacity of300 person providing international west-meets-east buffet .

  9. 目前在管项目:北京波特兰花园别墅小区,位于顺义城区东南潮白河畔,距首都机场7公里。

    Now our projects including : Beijing Portland Garden , it located at Shunyi City Zone , 7 km far from Beijing Capital Airport .

  10. 适用于高速公路照明、美化城市、街道、广场、公园等公共场所及豪华花园、别墅的庭院装饰。

    The company follow the principle of " Customer is frist , best to best ", its main line is high lamp , road lamp , city landscape lamp , garden lamp , grass lamp ect .

  11. 带有私人露台、可俯瞰花园的山间别墅(HillVilla)每晚237美元(含早餐),这个价格比旺季的三分之一还低。

    A Hill Villa with a private balcony overlooking the gardens costs $ 237 a night , including breakfast , a third less than during high season .

  12. 我沿着附近的小区,找到了一座花园式的别墅。

    Walking down through the areas around , I found a house with a nice and big garden .