
  • 网络mental ability;mental power;Intellectual ability
  1. 对运动员心理能力的训练与开发受到了体育界前所未有的重视。

    The training and developing to athletic intellectual ability are unprecedented highlighted by sports circle .

  2. 近期刊登在《发展心理学》(DevelopmentalPsychology)上一项为期六年的研究显示,女孩的认知同理心(即站在他人立场思考的心理能力)从13岁开始稳步增强。

    ' Cognitive empathy , ' or the mental ability to take others ' perspective , begins rising steadily in girls at age 13 , according to a six-year study published recently in Developmental Psychology .

  3. 10d后,不使用增氧呼吸器进行自行车功量仪负荷运动,运动10min后,重复上述两项心理能力测验。

    10 day later , loaded exercise of bicycle ergometer was conducted without add-oxygen-breath-instrument for 10 minutes , two tests of mental ability that mentioned above were repeated .

  4. 机械疗法设备;按摩仪器;心理能力倾向测试仪器

    Mechanotherapy appliances ; massage apparatus , psychological aptitude testing apparatus

  5. 重剑运动员的心理能力诊断及心理训练对策

    Diagnosis of Epee Fencers ' Mental Power and Countermeasures of Mental Training

  6. 体操运动员动作登陆时心理能力探析

    Analyses on psychological ability of gymnastics players while motion landing

  7. 高校体育专业大学生可得性心理能力的研究与分析

    Study on the Nurtured Mental Ability of Physical Education Students

  8. 具有内在的生理或心理能力、才能。

    Having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity .

  9. 篮球裁判员临场心理能力研究

    The Psychological Study of Basketball Referees during the Match

  10. 河南省高校体美专业大学生心理能力的比较研究&对促进体育专业学生心理能力的启示

    Comparison Study on Psychological Ability of Students between Physical Education and Fine Arts University

  11. 在大多数锌的研究已经表明,以增进心理能力的长者。

    In most studies zinc has been shown to improve mental capacity in elders .

  12. 心理能力的好坏是格斗实战取得胜利的关键。

    Mental ability determines whether an actual combat ends up with victory or not .

  13. 北京市辅读班精神发育迟滞儿童心理能力的初步研究

    Psychological function of 43 mental retarded children in the special education classes in primary schools

  14. 体味快乐,是一种心理能力。

    Happiness tasting is one mental capacity .

  15. 浅议当前国际社会的反恐怖措施及缺陷反恐维稳行动中优化谈判专家心理能力的基本措施

    The basic measures to optimize the negotiator 's metal capacity in anti-terrorist and peace maintaining operation

  16. 芝加哥心理能力测验

    Chicago Test of Primary Mental Abilities

  17. 将个人资源和个体积极心理能力引入模型展开探讨的研究较少。

    There are hardly researches which bring personal resources and individual positive mental ability in the model .

  18. 大脑中与记忆力和其他心理能力有关的部位里的神经细胞都死了。

    Nerve cells die in areas of the brain that are vital to memory and other mental abilities .

  19. 结果表明,冰雪运动员的心理能力总体水平适中,发展不均衡;

    The result shows that the overall level of skiers and skates ' psychological ability is moderate and imbalance development .

  20. 加工速度对基本心理能力老化的作用受感觉功能的影响,同时也通过加工容量对基本心理能力的老化起作用;

    SF was a fundamental factor among the mediation for it affected the aging process through both speed and capacity .

  21. 来自北京三个社区的217位60~85岁的老年人接受了五项基本心理能力测验、感觉功能测查、加工速度和工作记忆容量的测试。

    217 old people , from three communities of Beijing , participated the study of the aging of primary mental ability .

  22. 虽然智力能力因素和心理能力因素均可能影响大学生发展能力的形成,但在许多情况下,心理能力则是决定大学生发展能力的关键因素。

    Although both can affect their formation of development ability , psychological ability is a crucial factor in students ' development ability .

  23. 协调能力作为运动员竞技能力的“融合剂”,可促进体能、技能和心理能力训练的效果。

    Coordinative ability as fuse dose of athlete 's sports ability can improve fitness , technical and mental ability effect of training .

  24. 有利于提高情动力、注意力、意志力、自评力、调控力等认知心理能力水平;

    The level of recognizing mental ability such as emotion-experiencing ability , concentration , will-power , self-assessing ability , adjusting ability and etc ;

  25. 内心听觉是音乐家不可缺少的一种心理能力,它在人类的音乐实践活动中具有积极的作用。

    Inner sense of hearing is an integral psychological ability of musician , and it is helpful for human beings ' music practice .

  26. (心理学)远远背离正常生理或心理能力的;尤其用于儿童智力底下。

    ( psychology ) deviating widely from a norm of physical or mental ability ; used especially of children below normal in intelligence .

  27. 这种“整体感知”和“整体把握”是建立在联想和想象、图式加工及完形心理能力的基础之上的。

    This kind of general perception and grasp is set up on the bases of imagination , schema processing and complete mental ability .

  28. 研究人员发现,每五个人中就有一个人携带聪明基因变体,携带这种基因的人更长寿,大脑的前额区域体积更大,心理能力也更强。

    One in five people carry a ' smart gene ' variant linked to long lifespan , bigger forebrains and enhanced mental ability , researchers have found .

  29. 我国短道速度滑冰运动员专项心理能力的比较研究室内短道滑冰运动员思维灵活性的分析

    Comparative Study on the Special Psychological Ability of Chinese Short track Speed Skaters An analysis of individual thinking flexibility of indoor short-track skating athletes of our country

  30. 数字是人类认识世界的重要中介变量,对数字进行高水平的加工是人类心理能力的一项重要指标。

    Number is an important intermediary variable for human to understand the world . Processing numbers at high level is an important indicating of the ability of human mind .