
  1. 配餐冷链化&现代快餐工厂化的必由之路访CIFST冷冻与冷藏食品分会理事长陆翔华

    Cold Chain of Assorted Food & The Only Way of Modern Fast Food Factory

  2. 现代快餐的本质特征与发展思路

    The essential features and developing train of thought of modern snack

  3. 现代快餐业起源于美国。

    The origin of modern fast food industry is the United States .

  4. 传统的中式块餐以企业为核心的生产运营方式暴露越来越多的缺陷,已无法适应现代快餐顾客需求。

    Traditional enterprises of Chinese-style snack make itself as a center what has exposed some disfigurements and can not meet with the customers needs .

  5. 中国的快餐业起步较晚,以1987年4月肯德基快餐连锁店进入北京市场为契机,揭开了中国现代快餐快速发展的序幕。

    Chinese fast food industry start not long ago , in April 1987 , the Kentucky fast food chain store get into market in Peking for chance , uncovered the prologue of Chinese modern fast food fast development .

  6. 现代快餐与传统快餐的手工操作、前店后厨、产品质量不稳定、就餐环境差等截然不同,具备了产品标准化、生产工业化、经营连锁化、管理科学化等特征。

    Modern snack that is provided with features of standardized products industrial production , chain running and scientific management is quite different from traditional snack that is provided with features of hand-made proudcts , front shop and back kitchen , unstable quality and poor environment .

  7. 长沙市现代中式快餐发展对策研究

    Study on the Developing Methods of Modern Fast-food in Changsha City

  8. 为了迎合现代人快餐式消费的理念和生活节奏,现代书籍大都把信息进行量化处理,以图片的形式来吸引大众的眼球,各种风格迥异的图表、色彩绚丽的插图震撼着读者的心灵。

    In order to meet the modern consumption concept of " fast food " style , modern books are mostly in the form of images to attract public attention , a variety of different styles of charts and colorful illustrations have stimulated the readers mind .

  9. 现代,是快餐的时代,但是人们消化得却慢了;

    These are the time of fast foods and slow digestion ;

  10. 今天,他一定一样强大代表快速步幅现代社会象快餐的认为什么件唯一事。

    Today , it 's certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food .

  11. 在媒体的注意力争夺战中,电视读报节目独树一帜,既满足了现代人们信息快餐化消费的现状,又通过个性化的编排方式进行信息的二次解读。

    In the fight of media attention , Newspaper-reading-program on TV meets the status quo of modern people , the situation of information , and by means of information to personalize the choreography of the second reading .

  12. 中国社会在经历了漫长的农耕社会之后,在刚刚踏入工业文明不久,又被全球一体化的浪潮推到了现代信息时代,优秀的传统文化和现代的快餐文化之间产生了激烈碰撞和思考。

    After a long agriculture times and with a short connect with industry civilization , China society is pushed into modern information times by the tidal wave of globalization , which aroused fierce conflicts and consideration between excellent tradition culture and modern snack culture .