
  1. 营销管理,渠道管理,广告学,现代推销学等。

    Marketing Management , Channel Management , Advertising , Modern Selling .

  2. 现代推销学是一门理论与实践相结合的独立学科,并且实践操作性较强。

    Modern sales strategies is a subject that combined with scientific theories and objective practices , and it has strong practicability and operability .

  3. 因此,由影视而产生的电视广告也成为了现代推销商品、树立企业品牌的重要途径之一。

    Therefore , the movie TV commercial advertisement which were birth from movie TV industry is the most important tunnel of marketing and building label up .

  4. 发展到现代,广告推销方式似乎形成了一种惯例&广告内容大多是关于本身产品的功能、外观、价格等信息。

    To the modern , the marketing approach seems to form a kind of practice - most of the content is advertising its products on the function , appearance , price and other information .

  5. 在商品经济高度发达的现代社会,人员推销具有显著的优点,已成为现代社会最重要的一种促销形式。

    In the modern society of commodity economy , personal sale-promoting , which is of great advantages , has become the most important marketing means of modern society .