
  • 网络subprime lending crisis;Subprime Mortgage Crisis;subprime loan crisis;the subprime crisis
  1. 次贷危机下我国投资银行业发展的对策

    Development Strategies of China 's Investment Banking under Subprime Lending Crisis

  2. 疾风骤雨般的美国次贷危机很快将从金融业蔓延到了实体经济,从美国本土蔓延到了世界各国。

    The subprime lending crisis of the U.S.A is overspreading rapidly from finance region to economic entity ; from U.S.A to the whole world .

  3. 耶伦是一位明星经济学家,以其在劳动力市场上开创性的工作而闻名,她在次贷危机早期就曾发出警告,堪称是一位预言家。

    A star economist known for her groundbreaking work on labor markets , Yellen was a kind of prophetess early on in the crisis for her warnings about the subprime meltdown .

  4. 次贷危机后国际股票市场相关性变动的Copula分析

    Using Copula to Analyse the Changes of Dependence Structure of International Stock Market After Subprime Crisis

  5. 联合国(unitednations)昨日警告称,虽然亚洲经济体受美欧信贷危机的影响仍然相对较小,但随着次贷危机继续发展,它们面临着更大的不确定性。

    Asian economies remained relatively immune to the credit crunch in the US and Europe but faced heightened uncertainty as the subprime crisis continued to unravel , the United Nations warned yesterday .

  6. 在次贷危机爆发前那些波澜不惊的日子里,“脱钩论”(decoupling)曾认为,新兴市场将不受发达世界风暴的冲击。

    In the balmy days before the subprime crisis , " decoupling " suggested emerging markets would be safe from a developed world storm .

  7. 日本央行(bankofjapan)下任行长肯定是一位鸽派人物,而且,日元相对于贸易伙伴国货币的实际汇率仍比次贷危机之前高出近10%。

    The next bank of Japan governor is sure to be a dove , and in real terms against trading partners the yen is still almost 10 per cent stronger than before the subprime crisis .

  8. 瑞银(UBS)日前对其投资银行业务展开了一次大规模改组,以降低自营业务所承担的风险,此前该银行在美国次贷危机中遭受了重大损失。

    UBS has launched a shake-up of its investment banking division to reduce proprietary risk-taking after suffering heavy losses in the US subprime mortgage meltdown .

  9. 在美国经济学家欧文•费雪(IrvingFisher)的债务通缩理论中,费雪对一种确实有害的机制进行了解释,这种机制对我们次贷危机后的世界有着某些潜在影响。

    In his debt-deflation theory , the US economist Irving Fisher explained a truly toxic mechanism that has some potential implications for our own post-subprime world .

  10. 本文从实证的角度研究分析了次贷危机对于国家主权基金(SWF)投资行为的影响。

    The purpose of this research is to empirically analyze the influence of the financial crisis on the investment behavior of Sovereign Wealth Funds .

  11. 毕竟,保尔森之所以声名鹊起是因为这位高盛(GoldmanSachs)前首席执行官以共和党成员身份成为美国财长,接着不得不去解决2008年在美国房地产市场爆发的次贷危机。

    After all , Paulson shot to fame as the former Goldman Sachs CEO who became the Republican Treasury secretary and then had to deal with the subprime mortgage market shock of 2008 .

  12. 美国银行拟议推出的这只超级基金,将收购美国次贷危机过后现金匮乏的结构性投资工具(SIV)的资产。

    The proposed superfund would buy assets from cash-strapped structured investment vehicles ( SIVs ) following the subprime mortgage crisis in the US .

  13. 即使是被世界公认预警效果良好的KLR信号分析法也在次贷危机的爆发中也遭受了巨大的讽刺。

    Even the famous KLR signal analysis acknowledged worldwide suffered criticism in the Subprime Mortgage Crisis .

  14. 预计该银行将表示,其将进一步缩减美国的信用卡及抵押贷款业务HSBCFinanceCorporation。由于次贷危机及随之而来的美国经济衰退,该项业务的亏损日益上升。

    The bank is expected to say that it is further shrinking HSBC Finance Corporation , its US-based credit card and mortgage lender , which has suffered mounting losses as a result of the subprime mortgage meltdown and subsequent US recession .

  15. 首尔金牛投资和证券公司的市场分析家LeeKyoung-su表示,市场担心爆发第二次金融危机,就像去年从美国开始的次贷危机一样。

    Lee Kyoung-su , a market analyst at Taurus Investment and Securities in Seoul , says markets are worried about the possibility of a second financial crisis , like the one that began in the United States last year .

  16. 长江基建(cheungkonginfrastructure)昨日表示,由于次贷危机为资金丰沛的公司创造了更多收购机遇,该公司今年将寻求更多收购。

    Cheung Kong infrastructure , the energy and water group controlled by Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing , said yesterday it was on the hunt for more acquisitions this year as the subprime crisis creates more buying opportunities for cash-rich companies .

  17. 目前美国CLO市场已开始复苏,去年CLO发行总额约为550亿美元,是次贷危机以来发行规模最大的一年。

    The market in CLOs has already returned in the US , where there was about $ 55bn of issuance last year , the biggest annual total since the crisis .

  18. 上述损失尤其惊人,因为PelotonABS是此轮美国次贷危机的大赢家之一,去年上涨了87%,因此前该基金押注低质抵押贷款将会下跌。

    The losses are particularly striking because Peloton ABS was one of the big winners from the US subprime crisis , gaining 87 per cent last year after betting against low-quality mortgages .

  19. 但adb警告:“尽管美国次贷危机对新兴东亚经济体的波及有限,但股票与房地产价格的飙升,也带来几个金融脆弱性的迹象。”

    Still the ADB warned that " despite limited spillover into emerging East Asia from the US subprime turmoil , there are several signs of financial vulnerability related to sharp gains in equity and real estate prices . "

  20. 从我国金融的长远发展角度考虑,我们应该认真总结次贷危机的经验教训,积极稳妥地推进我国REITs的发展。

    Considering from the long term development of our financial system , we shall at one hand learn lessons from the sub-prime crisis and at the other hand actively and stably carry forward the development of REITs in China .

  21. 为了说明我们提出的检验统计量的使用效果,我们用SD检验统计量,对不同类型的投资者就传统股票、科技股票和中国股票市场在互联网泡沫及次贷危机前后进行了相应投资偏好的研究。

    To illustrate the use-fulness of our proposed statistics , we use the SD test statistics to study the preferences of investors with the corresponding S-shaped and reverse S-shaped utility functions vis-a-vis returns of traditional stocks and Internet stocks before and after the Internet bubble and subprime crisis .

  22. 中国银行(BoC)表示,尽管该行在相关领域遭受亏损,但依然支持进一步发展中国新生的资产担保证券市场。在亚洲的银行中,中国银行受美国次贷危机的影响最大。

    Bank of China , which had the biggest exposure to the US subprime crisis among Asian banks , said it was in favour of expanding China 's nascent market for asset-backed securities despite suffering losses from such holdings .

  23. 从不同的角度分析了美国次贷危机对美国经济的影响。

    Analyzed the influence upon the American economy from different angles .

  24. 次贷危机中的传染机制研究和策略分析

    Studies of Defaults Contagion Mechanism under sub-prime Crisis and Strategies Analysis

  25. 次贷危机让获取资金变困难了。

    Fund procurement has been difficult due to the subprime crisis .

  26. 从次贷危机看资产证券化监管规则的完善

    Improving Asset Securitization Regulation in View of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis

  27. 美国次贷危机对全球经济的影响研究

    Study on the Influences to Global Economy by American Sub-prime Crisis

  28. 美国次贷危机与我国房贷风险防范对策

    The US Subprime Mortgage Crisis and China 's Mortgage Risk Countermeasure

  29. 与此同时,大型投资者正在考虑此次的情况与次贷危机的相似之处。

    Meanwhile , big investors are pondering those parallels with subprime .

  30. 从国际货币体系视角看次贷危机的产生

    Causes of subprime crisis from the view of international monetary system