
  • 网络Subordinated Debt;Subordinate Debt;junior debt
  1. 而次级债作为一种新兴金融工具,具有很多的优越性,可以成为我国商业银行补充资本的重要渠道之一。

    Subordinated debt as an emerging financial instrument has many advantages .

  2. 作为监管资本的次级债及国外商业银行的实践

    Subordinated Debt : Practice in Banks as Supervisory Capital

  3. 基于Copula变点检测的美国次级债金融危机传染分析

    Analysis of Sub-Prime Loan Crisis Contagion Based on Change Point Testing Method of Copula

  4. 然而,2007年美国次级债危机的爆发,暴露出美国MBS存在的弊端。

    However , the 2007 United States sub-prime mortgage crisis exposed the problems of MBS in the United States .

  5. 这个人接着告诉我次级债的夹层CDO业务如何存在以及为什么存在。

    This individual proceeded to tell me how and why the Subprime Mezzanine CDO business existed .

  6. 2007年,他又加入到BHC基金公司的投资团队,该基金公司管理着2亿美元次级债。

    In 2007 he joined the investment team at BHC interim funding , a $ 200 million mezzanine debt fund .

  7. 他诚实地告诉我,这些夹层CDO是从可转换次级债中剔除风险最高的债券的唯一出路。

    He told me with a straight face that these CDOs were the only way to get rid of the riskiest tranches of Subprime debt .

  8. GSOG拥有逾20亿美元资产,包括在亚洲的特殊情况贷款业务,以及在美国和欧洲的一项次级债或夹层(mezzanine)业务。

    The JPMorgan unit , which has more than $ 2bn of assets , involves special situation lending in Asia and a junior debt or mezzanine business in the US and Europe .

  9. 早在上世纪90年代中期,他就曾警告我要提防证券化风险,正是证券化带来了次级债、债务担保凭证(CDO)和其他很多最终引发金融危机的“创新”。

    Back in the mid-1990s , he warned me about the dangers of securitization , the process that created subprime mortgage bonds and CDOs and many of the other " innovations " that led to the financial crisis .

  10. 不过,这些债券中大约7000亿美元与次级债(即发放给信用记录较差家庭的贷款)相关,同时另外还有6000亿美元所谓的Alta证券,即那些信贷质量略高的证券。

    However , some $ 700bn of these securities are linked to " subprime " debt ( or loans extended to households with poor credit history ), while there are also another $ 600bn of so-called " alt A " securities , or those of slightly highly credit quality .

  11. 之前,穆迪公司主张CDO必须满足一个多样性分值也就是说,每个CDO都应该包含不同种类的资产,比如商业抵押贷款、学生贷款和信用卡债务,还有很受欢迎的次级债。

    Previously , Moody 's had insisted that CDOs meet a diversity score that is , that each should contain different types of assets , such as commercial mortgages , student loans and credit card debts , as well as the popular subprime debt .

  12. 由于次级债到期期限为10年,因此不存在挤兑风险。

    Sub debt cannot run , because of the 10-year maturity .

  13. 次级债是基于次级抵押贷款的证券化。

    Junior bond was based on the subprime mortgage securitization .

  14. 次级债无法化解中国的银行风险

    Corporate Bonds Unable to Dissolve the Risk of Chinese Banks

  15. 美国次级债危机对我国商业银行的影响与启示

    The Impact of the US Sub-prime Debt Crisis on Chinese Commercial banks

  16. 这种风险转嫁是次级债状况的焦点。

    This transference of risk is the crux of the Subprime situation .

  17. 2007年美国次级债金融危机是否如此不同呢?

    Is the 2007 US subprime financial crisis so different ?

  18. 对我国资本充足率监管中次级债发行的辩证思考

    Dialectic Consideration of the Issuance of Subordinate-debt in Chinese Capital Adequacy Supervision

  19. 强制性次级债与商业银行的公司治理

    Mandatory Subordinated Debt and Corporate Governance by Commercial Banks

  20. 法定最低资本要求对次级债市场约束的影响

    Effects of Legal Minimal Capital Requirement on the Market Discipline of Subordinated Debts

  21. 次级债融资对保险公司的影响分析

    The Influence of Secondary Debt Finance on Insurance Companies

  22. 以美国次级债危机为例对住房抵押贷款证券化的风险进一步剖析。

    Example of overseas mortgage-backed securitization risk – the US subprime mortgage crisis .

  23. 抵押贷款证券化:道德风险与次级债危机

    Mortgage Securitization : Moral Hazard and Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis

  24. 关于次级债的法律法规在我国尚处于完善时期,还不健全。

    Laws and regulations on the Subordinated debt in China are still in replenishing .

  25. 次级债的中国特色

    The Uniqueness of Subordinated Debt in China

  26. 发行次级债的要求将作为现行股本要求的一种补充。

    The sub debt requirement would be in addition to existing requirements for equity capital .

  27. 然后,构建商业银行次级债市场约束作用的理论模型。

    Thirdly , this paper builds the theory model of market discipline of subordinated debts .

  28. 商业银行次级债融资研究

    Study of Commercial Banks Subordinated Debt Financing

  29. 这些规章制度的出台对我国建立并规范银行次级债市场起到了至关重要的作用。

    They have made very important functions to establish and standard the market of subordinated debt .

  30. 如2007年美国爆发的次级债危机引发了全球金融市场的波动。

    The recent 2007 subprime crisis in US has triggered the instability of global financial markets .