
cún kuǎn huò bì
  • deposit currency
  1. 虚拟资本的表现形式是多样的、动态的,银行存款货币是虚拟资本的重要表现形式。

    The forms of virtual capital are diversified and dynamic . Bank deposit currency is the important form of virtual capital .

  2. 存款货币财产权研究

    Study on Deposit Money Property Rights

  3. 本文使用全部私人市场资本化总量与全部私人信贷总量之比和股票市场资本化总量与存款货币银行信贷总量之比两大指标,来描述发达国家的金融结构;

    This article uses the ratio of total private market capitalization to total private credit ( RTPMCTPC ) and the ratio of stock market capitalization to private credit of deposit money banks ( RSMCPCDMB ) to describe the financial structure of developed countries .

  4. 不过,随着投资者逃向安全的银行存款,货币市场基金遭遇大规模赎回。

    However , money market funds suffered significant redemptions as investors fled to the safety of bank deposits .

  5. 但阿里巴巴和腾讯已证明它们有能力吸引资金投入它们在网上以及通过网站和移动应用销售的存款类货币市场基金。

    But Alibaba and Tencent have already proven their ability to attract funds into deposit-like money-market funds sold online and through their websites and mobile applications .

  6. 如果你的钱集中在所谓的“安全”的投资中,例如低回报的存款或者货币市场基金,你将远不会了解通是如何在实质上吞噬你所有的回报的。

    If your money is stowed in a " safe " investment , like a low-yielding savings or money market account , you 'll never see how inflation is gobbling up virtually all of your return .

  7. 货币资金包括现金、银行存款和其他货币资金,由于其可以直接用于个人消费,因此,它成为不法分子贪污、挪用和盗窃的对象。

    Monetary fund comprises cash , Cash in bank and other monetary fund forms .

  8. 一个接受存款和进行货币贷款活动的金融机构。

    A financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities .

  9. 储蓄存款分流与货币结构变动

    Household deposit decreasing and money structure changing

  10. 对于家庭存款而言,货币政策面临的风险在于消费者的通胀预期。

    With household deposits , the risk to monetary policy lies in consumer expectations of inflation .

  11. 货币资金:现金、银行存款及其他货币资金的核算;

    Monetary fund : The checking and calculating of cash , bank account and other monetary fund ;

  12. 象货币供应量之二或三这样的措施来扩大货币供应量包含了定期存款甚至是货币市场的共有基金。

    " Broader " money supply measures such as M2 and M3 include term deposits and even money market mutual funds .

  13. 衡量货币创造能力的大小,可以两个指标对其进行分析&存款乘数和货币乘数。

    To measure the ability of deposit money creation , we can adopt two indicators & the deposit multiplier and the money multiplier .

  14. 通过法定存款准备金对货币供给量影响的作用机制出发,考察了准备金率的调整对我国货币供给量的实际效果。

    According to the mechanism of the legal deposit reserve affecting on the money supply , it observes the real effect of the reserve policy .

  15. 原因在于,尽管享有呆若死水的名声,但货币市场基金业有一个阿喀琉斯之踵:与银行账户存款不同,货币市场基金没有任何存款保险为其提供担保,投资者还可随时赎回。

    For despite the dull-as-ditchwater reputation , the sector has an Achilles heel : unlike bank accounts , money market funds are not covered by any deposit insurance , and investors can redeem their money at will .

  16. 是资产负债表的一个流动资产项目,包括库存现金、银行存款和其他货币资金三个总账账户的期末余额,具有专门用途的货币资金不包括在内。

    The balance sheet is a flow of assets , including cash , bank deposits and other currency fund three general ledger account at the end of the period , specialized use of monetary funds is not included .

  17. 存款准备金率对货币政策影响的实效性研究

    Bank Reserve Against Deposits Rate to Monetary Policy Influence Effective Research

  18. 存款人将法定货币(现钞)存入银行账户之后,形成了存款货币。

    Deposit money forms when the depositor deposit his fiat money into the bank account .

  19. 每项订明广告须述明作出存款时采用的货币。

    Every prescribed advertisement shall state the currency in which the deposits are to be made .

  20. 银行和其他金融机构可能提高储蓄者存款证帐户和货币市场基金的利息。

    Banks and other financial institutions may raise the rates they pay on savers'certificates of deposit and money market funds .

  21. 这些银行从其他银行,包括中心银行、公司和个人吸收美元存款及其他可兑换货币。

    These banks accept deposits of dollars and other convertible currencies from other banks , including central banks , companies and individuals .

  22. 存款准备金政策作为货币政策三大工具之一,具有猛烈性、时滞性和被动性等特点。

    As one of the three major tools for monetary policy , required reserves policy is violent , time-delay and passive , etc in characteristics .

  23. 因此,建议央行在选择存款准备金这项货币政策工具时需要谨慎斟酌。

    Therefore , it is recommended that the central bank need to be careful in the choice of the monetary policy tools of the deposit reserve .

  24. 政府资金运动与货币供给量之间是否相关,以及政府存款是否应该计入货币供给量成为国外货币金融理论界争论的一个焦点,特别是货币学派和奥地利学派的观点分歧较大。

    Whether there is relation between the government funds and money supply and the government deposits should be included into the money supply are the hot topics in the financial circle .

  25. 分析师表示,未来亚洲的结构性产品更有可能是与股票挂钩、与汇率挂钩、两得存款、双元货币存款的结构性产品,而不是难以理解的不透明产品。

    Instead of difficult-to-understand , opaque products , analysts say structured products in Asia are more likely to pursue equity-linked , currency-linked and dual deposit , dual-currency deposit structures in the future .

  26. 在此期间,中央银行13次调整基准利率,22次调整存款准备金率,货币政策变动之频繁,前所未有。

    In this period , the National Central Bank adjusts basis interest rate of 13 times , 22 times of adjustment on savings reserves lead , The monetary policy changes multifarious , Unprecedented .

  27. 对货币供给的分析结果表明,信用卡的使用将减少流通中的现金、法定存款准备金、超额存款准备金等基础货币的数量,增大货币乘数,从而将导致货币供给的增加。

    The analysis of money supply shows that the use of credit cards will reduce the amounts of base money including currency , required deposit reserves and extra deposit reserves , and raise the money supplier , which combine to result in the increase of money supply .

  28. 前者以原始存款为起点,通过计算派生存款总额来分析货币创造规模;后者以基础货币为起点来计算货币供给量。

    The former takes the primary deposit as starting point , by calculating the total derivative deposits to analyze scale of money creation ; the latter takes base money as starting point to calculate the monetary supply .