
  1. 它主要反映为法定存款准备金管理要求对银行间支付流的影响。

    It is mainly reflected that required reserve demand has an impact on interbank payment flow .

  2. 中国人民银行有关部门要进一步做好存款准备金管理工作。

    I.The relevant departments of the People 's Bank of China shall further do a good job in the administration of deposit reserves .

  3. 商业银行为了弥补成本、优化账户管理、实现客户细分,开始收取存款账户管理费,从而激发了银行存款收费合法与否的论战。

    In order to cover costs , optimize account management and fractionalize customers , our commercial banks start to charge on depositors ' accounts , leading to a debate of its legitimacy .

  4. 商业银行存款成本的管理必须考虑更加现实的因素,成本控制关系银行的整体盈利水平和银行的竞争水平。

    The deposit cost management should consider more practical and valuable factors . At the same time , the cost control is related to the commercial bank 's profitability and competitive ability .

  5. 联邦存款保险公司-美国负责管理银行存款保险的管理机构。

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC )

  6. 然而改革至今,国库现金中绝大部分仍存放在央行获得银行活期存款利息,只有小部分国库现金通过商业银行定期存款等国库现金管理方式获得利益。

    But the reform so far , the vast majority of state treasury funds deposited in the central bank to obtain bank account interest , only a small part of the funds deposited in commercial banks , interest on time deposits .

  7. 本文具体研究了我国存款保险基金的设立模式选择、存款保险基金的规模水平确定、存款保险的费率厘定基础和保费计收方式选择以及存款保险基金的管理运营等几个主要问题。

    Here , this paper studies the found model choices , scale level , pricing basement and collecting model choices of deposit insurance fund , and deposit insurance fund management . Many countries ' government has regarded for insurance fund management .