
  1. 促进落后地区经济发展必须增加其储蓄能力和资本积累。

    It is necessary to increase the saving capability and capital accumulation in order to speed up the economic development in the backward areas .

  2. 因为一般的农业融资理论认为绝大多数农户都没有足够的抵押、担保、储蓄能力,农业生产优势低收益、高风险、长期性产业。

    Because the general theory is that the vast majority of agricultural financing farmers do not have sufficient collateral , guarantees , savings capacity , agricultural production advantages of low income , high-risk , long-term industry .

  3. 此类银行主要是通过发行股权来筹集资金,它有能力向贷款者发放贷款但吸收储蓄的能力却有限。

    A bank like this , funded mainly by equity , can make loans to borrowers but has limited capacity to accept deposits .

  4. 该报告指出,居民对于经济前景的悲观情绪有所减轻,但仍对于自身扩大储蓄的能力感到悲观。

    The report suggested that households were less pessimistic about the economic outlook but remained just as pessimistic about their ability to boost savings .

  5. 建立市场经济后,中央政府与地方政府为控制金融资源,形成了全国金融体系的纵向和横向分割,同时压抑民间非正式金融组织发展,最大限度保证正规金融机构在农村的储蓄动员能力。

    Establishment of a market economy , the central government and local governments for the control of financial resources , the formation of a national financial system of vertical and horizontal partitioning , the formal financial sector to mobilize rural savings .

  6. 我们首先论证银行业规制是形成高储蓄动员能力的根本原因,然后对城乡储蓄率与二元经济转换之间的关系进行协整分析。

    The article first verifies that banking rules and regulations is the fundamental reason for the high savings mobilization and carry on helping cointegration testing to the relation of urban and rural savings rate and the transformation of the dual economy structure again after .

  7. 随着江西邮政储蓄业务的迅猛发展,日均交易量不断提高、业务数据量不断增大、新业务种类不断增多,现有邮政储蓄系统的处理能力已经凸显不足。

    As rapid development of Jiangxi postal saving service , average daily trading volume raises constantly , business datum amount increases constantly and new business kind is creasing constantly . But the handling capacity of current postal saving system is insufficient .