
  • 网络Savings cost
  1. 在当今开支的基础上,房屋购买的承受力仍比在90年代期间要强,但是资产净值所要求的储蓄成本的上升对初次购买者造成了束缚。

    On a current outgoings basis , the affordability of house purchase is still better than it was for most of the1990s , but first-time buyers are constrained by the rising costs of saving the equity required .

  2. 然而,处理活期存款的交易成本在不断上升,因此活期存款实际总成本已接近存折储蓄的成本。

    However , the costs of processing demand deposit transaction are increasing , and the effective overall cost of demand deposits is closing to the cost of passbook saving .

  3. 这也造成了储蓄的总成本的结构和便利的设计过程。

    This also results in savings for the total cost of the structure and facilitates the design process .

  4. 去年央行为鼓励储蓄、提高借贷成本,曾经六次调高存款利率。

    The bank last year raised interest rates six times to encourage savings and make lending more expensive .

  5. 他写道,通胀是个问题,因为它会遏制储蓄、提高资金成本并导致政治不稳定,从而扼杀增长。

    It is a problem , he writes , because it kills growth by discouraging saving , raising the cost of capital and contributing to political instability .